'CSI' Now Available On iTunes

CSI Files

If you happen to miss an episode of CSI from now on, you won't have to wait for a rerun to catch it.

Apple has announced it will finally make episodes of CSI available for download in their iTunes store. New episodes of CSI, along with other popular CBS series such as Survivor, will be available for purchase the day after they air at $1.99 per episode.

"iTunes has proven that people enjoy viewing shows on their computer or iPod, which provides an opportunity to reach new audiences with our hit shows and gives our existing viewers a chance to catch up on missed episodes," said <font color=yellow>Larry Kramer</font>, President, CBS Digital Media.

The 6th season of the show will also be available at Apple's iTunes store. The new season can be downloaded as the new episodes air. "We're thrilled to bring award-winning shows from CBS to the iTunes Music Store," said <font color=yellow>Eddy Cue</font>, Apple's Vice President of iTunes. "We think viewers are going to love being able to download their favorite episodes of hits such as CSI and Survivor for viewing on their computer or iPod."

Head over to iTunes if you wish to purchase any episode of CSI's 6th season. To read the original article, head over to the Futon Critic.<center></center>
Re: 'CSI' Now Available On iTunes

does anyone know if it will be avaliable on iTunes Australia, because I dont think it will :(
and will CSI:Miami and NY be avaliable too?
Re: 'CSI' Now Available On iTunes

carlz31 said:
does anyone know if it will be avaliable on iTunes Australia, because I dont think it will :(
and will CSI:Miami and NY be avaliable too?

All 3 'CSI' shows will be available for downloading. :)
Re: 'CSI' Now Available On iTunes

cool! thanks Shane! :D
well, now I'll just have to wait for them to be released on iTunes Australia *crosses fingers*
Re: 'CSI' Now Available On iTunes

yay! it is avaliable on iTunes Australia! :D though there's only the season that just aired in America...

too bad i don't have a video ipod either, but i might just buy them and make a DVD so i can watch it on my TV aswell as my comp
Re: 'CSI' Now Available On iTunes

where? i cant find it on the aussie iTunes :(
Re: 'CSI' Now Available On iTunes

you just have to search the music store for 'csi' or 'csi miami' or 'csi ny'
i found it last night, though you can only get the season that just aired in America

ETA: What the heck?! it's not there anymore! :eek: It was there last night, where the heck did it go?

ETA2: Oh, damn! I was looking in the American iTunes :(, you're right, its not avaliable in the Aussie one :(...damn, I was looking farward to buying them... :( :(
stupid Australia! I want my CSI!