CSI: New York--'Some Buried Bones'

CSI Files


A security guard, Jeff Zegers, follows a young woman who has been shoplifting up and down 5th avenue into the dressing room, only to be fatally shot. Danny finds a dental mirror and burned off security tags by the body, and Adam is able to zero in on a woman wearing a reflective coat on surveillance videos. The CSIs follow her trail, interviewing a shop girl named Marissa Richardson, who their mystery thief stole a $25,000 purse from. When the shoplifter strikes again, this time stealing men's items, Stella realizes they're dealing with a professional thief. The CSIs view the newest surveillance footage and see the woman licking her finger to slide a ring onto it. They get the ring from the store--which proves to be a fake switched in by the thief--and get DNA off of it. Though the sample is unknown, the levels of a drug called propanolol in the sample indicate she's part of a medical trial, and through the records, they are able to identify the shoplifter as Ava Brant.

The body of a Chelsea University college student is found beaten and stabbed in a hedge maze in Queens with exam slips with two different names on them. Both boys, Eddie Williams and Thomas Brighton prove to be alive, and Eddie identifies the dead boy as Brian Miller. Both Thomas and Eddie, a pre-med student who is also Brian's roommate, admit that Brian took tests for them. Mac is surprised when Reed Garrett, the son his wife Claire gave up for adoption, comes to him and tells him that he and Ryan were colleagues on the college paper, and that Brian was writing a big expose on a secret society on campus known as the Knights and Shadows. Mac and Flack zero in on Thomas Brighton, a member of the Knights and Shadows. Thomas claims not to know anything about the article, but admits Brian was a member of their group. He underwent their exit ceremony that night when he told the group he wanted out, and though the ceremony involved a beating, Thomas swears they left Brian alive.

After Reed, who was working on a story exposing college kids helping others cheat on their exams, is beaten, Hawkes discovers radioactive material on a scrap of fabric found in one of the bushes near Brian and connects it to med student Eddie. Eddie confesses that he killed Brian after learning about the expose story Reed was writing. Eddie hoped to cash in on the university clause that gives straight As for the semester to any student whose roommate dies. He also beat up Reed, who tells Mac at Brian's funeral that he wonders if he could have prevented Brian's murder.


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You are SPEEDY! Great review. I actually agreed with the entire thing, particularly Nelly and the Reed scenes. The show was smart to have a large part of Nelly's scenes in montage form.

I thought the Kings and Shadows case was fascinating. I was kind of "meh" about Reed at first, but the actor really impressed me in this eppy, and I am also glad they didn't go the bratty kid route. The scene at the end, at the funeral, was excellent. Gary Sinise is one of the most underrated actors out there. It's poetry watching him act.

Adam - out of left field about his Dad and perfectly done. To me, NY does the best job of letting little facts about its characters slip out without much fanfare - let's face it, that's much like real life. See also Sid Hammerback revealing he had a daughter and an ex-wife. I loved Adam's slightly embarrassed expression, the shock, discomfort and sympathy Carmine and Melina managed to convey all at once. Wonderful.

One other note: I love watching Mac and Flack work together. Gary pretty much has chemistry with everyone, but in particular I love the way he and Eddie play off each other.
Great review. I have to agree with you about Nelly Furtado. It was a little painful watching her act. It's nice to see the character of Stella being a bit "softer" sometimes. I like the humour that Adam adds (and it was a nice dose of humanity they added to the character last night) but I LOVE the odd or dark humour that Sid brings. Overall, they showed the CSI's as a bit more "human" last night. I liked it!! Hawkes, Danny and Flack....Their characters make the show better for me.
Great review. ;) I didn't see any typos this time, but you know I'm looking out for you. :lol:

Reed and Mac are magic on screen. I really hope the writers see what a goldmine they have with Kyle and Gary.

Nelly should stick to singing. I definitely agree that the scene with Stella wouldn't have seemed so off if there had been a more talented actress across the table from her.

Adam is a gem, I adore him. (Of course everyone knows that. :lol:) It was great to see him have a bit of important information in the form of some character backstory. He was great in the lab scenes in this episode, and it's fun when cases rely on a lot of (believable) science. I haven't rewatched it yet, but I'm hoping that I didn't miss any really off-the-wall lab stuff. :lol:
Great review for a great episode (I wish there was more Flack tho)

I hear it got a 10.3 overnight rating and beat out Lost..yay for all the loyal CSI NY viewers..it is the better show after all!
I am speedy :lol: --it usually ends up that I'm home on Wednesday nights, which works out nicely for the NY reviews.

I really liked how seamlessly the Adam revelation was worked into the story--it was very graceful and nicely done.

I like Mac and Flack together, too. I think both Gary and Eddie are great with just about everyone, but Mac and Flack do tend to do well together. I love it when they clash, though. Flack can really hold his own against Mac, and that's fun to see.

I was glad to see NY did well against Lost, too! I was worried about that, and since I love both shows, I'm glad they pretty much split the audience (as opposed to one tanking completely). I don't think NY's numbers were off from previous new eps, either, were they?

Thanks to everyone for reading. :) Glad you didn't notice any typos this time around, Fay. :p :D
Don't you just squee when Adam cracks a smile? The scene where he steals Danny's credit card info is a gem.

Top, it says something when as soon as I've watched an episode, I come over to see if you agree with me! And you nearly always do :D

Mac is on FIRE this season. Honestly, the storylines/interactions we've seen are superb. Gary finally has something to work with. It's really nice to see Stella given great scenes also - it's amazing how much Melina can convey without saying anything. I'm in agreement about Nelly though - that final scene could have been a thousand times better if Nelly had given it some welly, so to speak.

Didn't miss Lindsay - did miss Peyton, but I think Mac can only take so much mushy stuff per episode, or we'll stop thinking he's the stern grumpy cop we love so much. I thing that's why he's been paired with Flack lately - it's so he has someone to grump at/be grumped back at, obviously!
I really liked how seamlessly the Adam revelation was worked into the story--it was very graceful and nicely done.
I just rewatched the episode, and that scene was perfect. I loved how he picked up on something that the detectives would have missed, and it ended up being important to the storyline. Adam was honest but you could tell he was uncomfortable talking about it. The expressions in that scene were nicely done. :)

Glad you didn't notice any typos this time around, Fay.
:lol: I'm here to serve. :p

Don't you just squee when Adam cracks a smile? The scene where he steals Danny's credit card info is a gem.
Yes! I'm such a fangirl for him, but really, AJ is a fantastic actor. When he scanned Danny's ass and then was like *doofy grin* "it's for the..." I just chuckled. Too cute. :p

did miss Peyton
I'm sure you were glad to see the preview for next week, then. ;)
I think I have a crush on her, I'm terrible :D That and a general squee-fest for Adam :D I squeed when he came out to the crime scene for the shopping trolley case, all decked out in his hat and woolies, and I just about died with this ep. :D
Fantastic review as always :D. I too enjoyed Nelly Furtado's apperance as well but I find that her talent lies in her music, not acting. However, I'm not saying she sucked. If this was indeed the episode where Christina Aguilera was supposed to appear I'm kinda glad they went with Furtado instead. Hearinf "Man Eater" at the beginning was nice but I took a liking to the song they used at the end which was "All Good Things (Come To An End)" & I immediately got it from itunes after. I'm just glad Furtado didn't pull a Sascha Cohen or K-Fed :lol:.

Or, maybe I'm just biased 'cause Furtado is from the same province as me :lol:. Oh, and the episode was one of the better ones in a long time. I hope Reed sticks around as he brings out Mac's softer & more humanly side. Flack was fantastic as always & I loved the scene that Stella & Ava shared at the end. It was sweet & heart-wrenching at the same time...
^I loved that final song! Believe me, I'm a big fan of Nelly Furtado's. I like Christina Aguleria too, but I've never seen her act so I have no idea whether she's better or worse than Nelly. I think Nelly should stick to singing--she's amazingly talented, and acting just isn't her thing.

Silencer said:
Don't you just squee when Adam cracks a smile? The scene where he steals Danny's credit card info is a gem.

That cracked me up! Adam scanning Danny's ass. :lol: Danny has yet another admirer. :lol:

Top, it says something when as soon as I've watched an episode, I come over to see if you agree with me! And you nearly always do :D

Mac is on FIRE this season. Honestly, the storylines/interactions we've seen are superb. Gary finally has something to work with. It's really nice to see Stella given great scenes also - it's amazing how much Melina can convey without saying anything. I'm in agreement about Nelly though - that final scene could have been a thousand times better if Nelly had given it some welly, so to speak.

Mac really is on fire this season! I love the storyline with Reed--it's so unexpected and has been handled so incredibly well. I'm so glad Reed isn't a truant or a brat or pushing Mac away. His reactions and questions and desire to get to know Mac are all very real to me. He's a great character.

Didn't miss Lindsay - did miss Peyton, but I think Mac can only take so much mushy stuff per episode, or we'll stop thinking he's the stern grumpy cop we love so much. I thing that's why he's been paired with Flack lately - it's so he has someone to grump at/be grumped back at, obviously!

I'm glad we'll be seeing Peyton again and that their romance didn't end after the disagreement they had. I like seeing Mac open up to her.
The final song makes me cry everytime I hear it. Seriously, I cannot even put into context how unique the lyrics are. It also went really well with the closing scene, as Ava's good life of shop lifting & re-selling is coming to an end, which is what the song is about, good things coming to an end and more. I'm curious to know what happens next and something over in the spoilers thread gives me hope.

:lol: The scene where Adam scanned Danny's ass was the best. He clearly showed that he has a thing for the guy. I mean, he could've easily scanned his own ass or asked for Stella's permission to do her but nope, he chose Danny boy :lol:. I love Adam.

*eta* A little off topic but I'm gonna catch Nelly Furtado live in concert next month :D.
Hey guys!

Sorry for the necropost - I'm new here, and I just caught this episode here in the U.K.

The red jacket that Nelly Furtado wears to fool the cameras as she shoplifts - my girlfriend is rather taken with it, and I'd love to know who makes it, where I can buy it, or whether it was a custom piece for the show.

It certainly LOOKS like a piece of production fashion, but as my g/f wants it so bad, I thought I'd see if anyone knew anymore about it?

I'd appreciate anything you can dig up!
