CSI: New York - Season 5 in the UK

My saturday night viewing was looking a little bleak, but now my boys are back. I only wish I was in a position to fully drool over them. Living with the folks puts a dampener on such activities :guffaw:
Zelda- I know what you mean!
Tv schedules at the start of January were looking very sparse, so I was very glad when NY and Vegas were advertised.
Macslady- I agree, I like the way there is always new csi shows throughout the year.
You can always count on new seasons starting at the beginning of the year :)
Most of my favs (including CSI and CSI: NY of course) have either just started or are about start a new season
Last nights episode was really good!
I liked the part at the end with sid and the boys the best!
Last nights episode was really good!
I liked the part at the end with sid and the boys the best!

Yeah, that was beyond cute! Mac and Hawkes were the sweetest. Hawkes was so worried about Sid. So was Mac, and it was sweet when he sort of jabbed him gently in the shoulder and said he was glad he's okay, typical 'I'm a tough guy and a Marine, so I'm not gonna hug ya'.
It was funny that Mac brought Sid a book (it seems Mac has a sort of wicked sense of humour!) and Flack turns up with potato chips ready to watch the Rangers game.
It was a lovely moment, though.
And the promo for next week looks really good!

I loved the bits set in the library, as I actually work in one! I can tell you, the books in special collections may not be radioactive in RL, but some of them are pretty unpleasant to touch!
Did I mishear last night or did Lindsay say the piece of paper the note was written on was from the 1930's? And then in the next sentence make connection that therefore it was an antique and valuable? I know I am being picky but just cos the paper is from the 1930's hardly justifies the connection that it is from an valuable antique that would be held in the special collection. Sometimes their assumptions are just too ridiculous, there could have been something else on the paper that would lead them to the special collections.

I hope I misheard the date, otherwise my dad is not far off being put in a special collection (actually that might not be a bad idea)
I loved last night episode :) I thought the ending scene with the guys in Sid's hospital room was great!

I agree. I thought the scene at the end was lovely. It shows that they are more than a team.

I especially loved it when they teased Sid about the beer.
I agree, the ending was really nice. I was a bit worried when I saw that the epi would have Sid in danger- because all the CSI shows seem to put one of the team in peril every other epi now, or they have some connection to the case. So when I saw the synopsis for this epi (which this time, thankfully, didn't give the whole plot away) I thought here we go again. But I actually think they handled it very well, and it seemed realistic. I like Sid, and it was good to see the rest of the team rally around him. And Hawkes in control- good to see.
Macslady- be careful in those stacks! In the Library I work in, everything is very lax- so they would never find who looked at the rare books.
Poppet - I didn't notice what they said about the date of the paper, but '30s would mean my Dad would be stuck in special collections too!
Yay- a new episode tonight!
I think it will be different from the what the trailers showing.
Should be good!:)

I enjoyed the ep a lot. There was more to it than the trailers suggested, which was good.:bolian:

I especially loved Mac on the plane, and all of Flack's moments with Terence (Nelly's quite a good actor, I liked him in this) and Adam in the field, with his 'poop' comment. :lol:

I wanna sit next to Mac on a plane, and join the Mile High Club with him!:drool::devil:

Love how the crime scenes are all over the place this season - in New Jersey, in a library, on a plane....it's cool.
I was sick of seeing the trailer for this! And because of the trailer I thought there would be lots more action in the epi, so I was a little disappointed.
But, Macslady I agree, Flack had some great moments and poor Adam in the field!

You know you would be safe on a plane if Mac was sat next to you.
The episode was good.
Mac can never get any peace anywhere he goes!-give the man a break!!!!:lol:

Can't wait for next weeks episode
Its the one with the silicone dolls!

The episode was good.
Mac can never get any peace anywhere he goes!-give the man a break!!!!:lol:

Can't wait for next weeks episode
Its the one with the silicone dolls!


Mac is starting to remind me of Jessica Fletcher in that respect - if he turned up in your town you would really start to worry, someone would be getting murdered for sure! :lol:
Argh don't mention Jessica Fletcher!

Is the silicone dolls one the one where Adam shows them a website or something and looks really pleased with himself?