CSI: New York Picture Game Part 5

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Re: CSI: New York Picture Game

I'm really sorry it's so small! I've been trying to make it bigger, but I have no idea how! I'm really sorry!!!!

But anyway-- a hint: The first half of season 2.
Re: CSI: New York Picture Game

Yes! You got it!!! Your turn!

And can someone please tell me how to make that picture bigger? I just cannot figure it out!
Re: CSI: New York Picture Game

feenx, I think you're trying to hotlink to pastmyshoulders.com and they've disabled it. Bandwitdh is precious so maybe you should just upload the picture to a photobucket account and then post it here :D
Re: CSI: New York Picture Game

feenx, you must have 100 posts, if you want to post images here. Under 100 posts you can only link images here.
Re: CSI: New York Picture Game

OK - hint for the guessers:
1. right mouse-klick on picture.
2. find url in context-menue
3. copy url
4. open url like a normal webpage

This how the pic should get visible, too.
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