CSI: New York--'People With Money'

CSI Files


Mac Taylor's romantic tryst with ME Peyton Driscoll is cut short when they're both called to the same murder scene. Sam McFarland lies dead on the Brooklyn Bridge, a Statue of Liberty key chain buried in his chest and ligature marks around his neck. Across the water, windows in the building Sam worked in light up to spell out 'Marry Me.' The CSIs learn Sam was seeing a woman named Erica Lancaster, but when they visit the bereaved woman and her father, Denny, they learn Sam was suppose to pick Erica up from the airport but never showed up. The ring Sam had doesn't fit Erica's finger, suggesting he was planning to propose to someone else. Stella examines the keys attached to the key ring Sam was killed with, while Lindsay focuses on dynamite found on his tie.

Across town, Danny and Dr. Hawkes greet Detective Jennifer Angell, who shows them the badly beaten body of socialite Vanessa May, who lies dead in her underwear, bruises covering her body and pillows on her hands. Vanessa's friend, Margo, found her and tried to revive her. Danny discovers ten grand in the pocket of Vanessa's jacket. Sid Hammerback confirms blunt force trauma was the COD, and points out a tongue print on her body from a tequila body shot as well as the imprint from a designer LSD tab on Vanessa's tongue. Danny and Angell track down the dealer, Picasso, who admits to seeing her at Prowl but claims her bodyguard beat him up when he tried to approach her. Blood on Vanessa's coat matches a man named Clarence Rome, but he denies killing Vanessa. He wanted to work for her, and challenged her bodyguard to a fight for employment, which he lost.

The Statue of Liberty key chain proves to be a dead end when the owner of the keys turns up in the morgue, an apparent suicide. Traces of prenatal vitamins on lipstick marks found on Sam's face further puzzle the CSIs. Lindsay suspects Erica is the culprit--a patch on her arm to treat a spider bite could contain trace amounts of dynamite--but Mac and Stella remind her about the importance of gathering evidence, not forming hunches, and send her back to the drawing board. An earring on the bridge leads the CSIs to a young woman named Cassidy who was having bungee sex with her boyfriend at the time of Sam's death, but while the couple saw his dead body, they deny any involvement or seeing anyone else around.


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Even though I think the episode was kinda slow, it's good to see everyone again. I missed them :p

Im glad I wasn't the only one who noticed how casual Danny's wardrobe is. T-shirt and jeans, really..?

I completely agree about Lindsey, I didn't really like how she sunk her teeth into one suspect and wouldn't let up. But I did like how she followed through and realized her mistakes.

And I swear, Im the only one who didn't think Det. Angell looked like Aiden :lol: It took me a while, but yeah I can see it now and I like her. I didn't think I would, but I really like her interaction with Danny and her believable tough girl persona.
Another same-old review... more drooling over Danny and Flack, raving about the lukewarm Sid, and complaining about Lindsey. What about the cases? I guess I'm just not interested in ALWAYS hearing about her choices in men or her incessant cattiness regarding Lindsey. When Danny's in an episode for 10 total minutes on the B case she sometimes devotes paragraphs going on about him. Enough already.
Wow, that's kind of rude--or more than kind of rude, dmc. Kristine writes excellent reviews, but nobody requires you to read them or like what they say. There are an abundance of reviews all over the internet, and I'm sure you could find one that says exactly what you want it to say, if that's what you expect. If you're always unhappy with the TalkCSI reviews, the best solution would be to not read them.

A very insulting first post on this message board, I have to say.
^Definitely an interesting first post. ;) But--

dmc said:
Another same-old review... more drooling over Danny and Flack, raving about the lukewarm Sid, and complaining about Lindsey. What about the cases? I guess I'm just not interested in ALWAYS hearing about her choices in men or her incessant cattiness regarding Lindsey. When Danny's in an episode for 10 total minutes on the B case she sometimes devotes paragraphs going on about him. Enough already.

Reviews are opinions and of course feel free to disagree and post your own thoughts about the episode either in this thread or the NY grading thread. Perhaps you missed it, but the cases were covered in the synopsis and in this part of the analysis:

Mac's happiness carries over to the show itself. After a rather depressing end to the second season with a run of five downer episodes in a row, it's nice to see the show come up for air without suffering the pitfalls of early second season by coming across as too glib. Once again the depravity of the wealthy is in the spotlight, and as Dori notes, people with money think they can buy anything. In the case of Denny Lancaster, it's a husband for his daughter; for Vanessa and Margo, it's the loyalty of other people. Though New York focuses on the plight of the rich a little too frequently, "People With Money" is a superior entry.

Sometimes there's simply not much to say about them; they really weren't anything we'd not seen before (jealous rich people, rich people trying to control others, etc.), but they were well done and certainly adequate for a season opener.

allstar12 said:
Even though I think the episode was kinda slow, it's good to see everyone again. I missed them :p

I think that's part of the fun of the opener--seeing the characters you missed all summer!

Im glad I wasn't the only one who noticed how casual Danny's wardrobe is. T-shirt and jeans, really..?

I think they've gone a little too far with that. He looks like a guy going out on the weekend as opposed to a crime scene investigator. I thought his wardrobe was a tad too casual last season, but it's gone over the edge now.

I completely agree about Lindsey, I didn't really like how she sunk her teeth into one suspect and wouldn't let up. But I did like how she followed through and realized her mistakes.

I liked that she was wrong and that she proved herself wrong, but I get the feeling that she's playing with science and hunches and forgetting that the cases involve real people. It's one of the things that really grates on me with the character--she's very impressed with her own cleverness and that doesn't seem to be tempered by the very serious importance of her job as a crime scene investigator.

And I swear, Im the only one who didn't think Det. Angell looked like Aiden :lol: It took me a while, but yeah I can see it now and I like her. I didn't think I would, but I really like her interaction with Danny and her believable tough girl persona.

Yeah, I thought she and Danny had a nice rapport. I liked that she was tough but not in your face tough--the actress did a nice job with her. I hope we see her again!
I thought the plot was a little lame but, I was glad to see Flack back and everyone doing well. I am still really mad about the whole "Peyton thing". I wish Stella and Mac could get together. I guess I should rant and rave about that over at shipper central. BYE!
I didn't notice Det. Angell looked like Aiden either but now that I think about it they do seem similar. This review pointed out pretty much the same things I noticed when I watched the episode
Looks Like seaon three is off to a great Start :)
I think that's part of the fun of the opener--seeing the characters you missed all summer!

Definitely. Those three or four months of repeats just don't quite cut it.

I think they've gone a little too far with that. He looks like a guy going out on the weekend as opposed to a crime scene investigator. I thought his wardrobe was a tad too casual last season, but it's gone over the edge now.

Maybe if he wore a jacket over the Polo Tee .. as good as he looks, he's dressing pretty casual for a Detective. Where'd the snappy season one suits and the season two dress shirts go..?

I liked that she was wrong and that she proved herself wrong, but I get the feeling that she's playing with science and hunches and forgetting that the cases involve real people. It's one of the things that really grates on me with the character--she's very impressed with her own cleverness and that doesn't seem to be tempered by the very serious importance of her job as a crime scene investigator.

That's true. She does seem like a kid to me, sometimes. Like she's trying to prove others wrong by finishing the fastest or trying to impress her 'parents' - Mac and Stella. But I think her focussing on the science and distancing herself from the actual people of the case may have to do with her 'dark' past TPTB keep hinting at.

When she was joking around with Flack at the beginning I thought, Hey I like this Lindsey. She's cute. But then the bug/spider scene happened and I was like, Oh here's the old mid-season two Lindsey. I miss the body-checking, semi-fierce girl from early season 2.

Yeah, I thought she and Danny had a nice rapport. I liked that she was tough but not in your face tough--the actress did a nice job with her. I hope we see her again!

Im pretty sure she'll be back. Or Im hoping atleast. I think she's a pretty good addition to the cast, it brings out more sides in them nby adding a fresh face.
allstar12 said:
Maybe if he wore a jacket over the Polo Tee .. as good as he looks, he's dressing pretty casual for a Detective. Where'd the snappy season one suits and the season two dress shirts go..?

A jacket would help, a button down shirt would be even better. It's not that I object to him showing skin :lol: but keep it for when it's appropriate (like in "Trapped"). Or if they want to show off his arms, put him in polo shirts, which are more formal than t-shirts.

That's true. She does seem like a kid to me, sometimes. Like she's trying to prove others wrong by finishing the fastest or trying to impress her 'parents' - Mac and Stella. But I think her focussing on the science and distancing herself from the actual people of the case may have to do with her 'dark' past TPTB keep hinting at.

That's definitely possible. I don't mind her enthusiasm--that was actually something I liked about the character early on. But the competitive "I must be right" thing is obnoxious, especially since she's essentially gambling with people's lives.

When she was joking around with Flack at the beginning I thought, Hey I like this Lindsey. She's cute. But then the bug/spider scene happened and I was like, Oh here's the old mid-season two Lindsey. I miss the body-checking, semi-fierce girl from early season 2.

I guess I should be grateful we didn't get shrill, end of season 2 Lindsay, my least favorite incarnation of the character. I liked her joking with Flack, I like her enthusiasm and interest in science and developing theories (like she did in "Cool Hunter"), but it shouldn't be at the expense of the evidence.

Im pretty sure she'll be back. Or Im hoping atleast. I think she's a pretty good addition to the cast, it brings out more sides in them nby adding a fresh face.

Sometimes having someone new around helps make things more interesting and keeps a show from getting stale. I have a feeling she'll be back, too.