CSI: New York--'Oedipus Hex'

CSI Files


A girl is found dead under the subway tracks after she performs with a burlesque show re-enacting the prom scene from Carrie, complete with fake blood covering the performers. Mac, Danny and Lindsay notice the fake blood on her body, as well as the fact that her shoes are missing. In the morgue, Sid Hammerback determines she was beaten to death, and that several wounds in her head indicate she was struck with a sharp object. Danny notices a tattoo that reads: "Til Death Do Us Part, Omen & ..." with the second name scratched out, while Dr. Hawkes makes note of abrasions on the girl's hands. Danny discovers a logo on her underwear with the initials "SG," which Adam identifies as standing for the Suicide Girls. Danny tracks them down and learns the Suicide Girls are a group of women who take the same last name and share a love of body art. Danny speaks with Missy Suicide, the group's founder, who IDs the dead girl as Omen Suicide, formerly Carensa Sanders, and two other girls, one of whom has a trash poker with blood on it. Danny suspects the worst, but when Hawkes tests the blood, it turns out to be from a rat, not a human.

At Rucker Park, an area famous for its intense basketball games, the body of one of the star players, Alondo "Chopper" Tevis is found on one of the courts. Mac notices a crescent shaped wound in his forehead, and finds a similarly shaped piece of brass nearby. The CSIs follow the trail of blood to an alley and wonder how and why the gravely injured man crawled from the alley to the basketball court. In the morgue, Hammerback pulls a bloody, folded up piece of paper from Chopper's sock and glass from his arm. Both of his legs were fractured, he had burn marks on his wrist made 6-8 hours prior to his death, and old track marks on his body indicate he was a recovering addict. Stella is able to get a print from one of the pieces of glass from his body, and it's a match for up and coming NBA star Dante Hope. When the CSIs confront him, he insists he had nothing but respect for Chopper even though the man beat him on the basketball court recently.

Danny and Lindsay are surprised when Omen's mother, Helen Sanders, shows up at the precinct, and Lindsay asks Danny to handle her, claiming she's not good with mothers. Danny tries to console the woman, only to get slapped in the face for his efforts. After Hammerback finds shoe polish in the wounds in Omen's skull, Danny and Lindsay identify the kind of shoe used to kill her--a green stiletto. Danny turns to the dummy to figure out how she was killed, and determines the murderer struck her in the head with the shoe, which would have produced a significant amount of blood spatter. Since the Suicide Girls were all wearing similar green stilettos, the CSIs have eight suspects the night of the show, none of whom are very forthcoming. Nixon Suicide hits on Danny, while Al tells Lindsay she tossed her shoes after the show because they were ruined by the fake blood.


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ok so i liked this episodes, i didn't like at the begining how lindsay snapped at danny, and backed down from talking to Helen. But i did like how at the end she got her act together and went and talked and comforted Helen, it shows me that she got over whatever was eating at her. and that her character is developing and is able to stand by herself.

i thought Lindsay did really well in this episode she more fun and stuff. i was kinda disappointed in danny though, he wasn't himself, he seemed down or something, or atleast for parts he did.

i loved the plot of the suicide girls, i think it's creative. i'm kinda confused though, cuz at the end, when danny turned one of the girls down again, when they were walking away i couldn't tell if he looked disappointed that he didn't go with them, or if he was embarressed that he was getting hit on by one of them.

i also like the plot of the other story, i thought it was kinda sad. and very heartfelt. the guy at least.
Svetlana said:
ok so i liked this episodes, i didn't like at the begining how lindsay snapped at danny, and backed down from talking to Helen. But i did like how at the end she got her act together and went and talked and comforted Helen, it shows me that she got over whatever was eating at her. and that her character is developing and is able to stand by herself.

Lindsay was pretty unprofessional in the beginning, and I thought it was pretty shitty of her not to intervene when she was standing by watching Danny getting smacked by Mrs. Sanders. I did think it was good that she ended up going to talk to the mother in the end, but it's her job and she should have stepped up earlier, or at least been more professional about asking Danny to handle it, rather than whining about how she gets stuck with all the crappy tasks.

i thought Lindsay did really well in this episode she more fun and stuff. i was kinda disappointed in danny though, he wasn't himself, he seemed down or something, or atleast for parts he did.

I don't think Lindsay "got" the Suicide Girls--she's pretty much the antithesis of them. She did seem to have a little fun when Danny stabbed the dummy, but other than that she seemed very dour. Danny was definitely off--it seems like his character is muted in some episodes, and that's frustrating.

i loved the plot of the suicide girls, i think it's creative. i'm kinda confused though, cuz at the end, when danny turned one of the girls down again, when they were walking away i couldn't tell if he looked disappointed that he didn't go with them, or if he was embarressed that he was getting hit on by one of them.

I think he was kicking himself for turning her down! He should have gone with her; he would have had fun.

i also like the plot of the other story, i thought it was kinda sad. and very heartfelt. the guy at least.

It was sad and heartfelt; I wish there'd been more time to devote to the story.
i am glad that lindsay ended up talking to the mom at the end, but it just adds fuel to the fire of "what is lindsay's big secret." i really want to find out. i think danny should have went with the SG and made lindsay jealous! hahaha
^Yeah, it was good that Lindsay stepped up in the end, especially after she sat back and watched Danny get smacked by the woman. Danny definitely should have gone with Nixon!
Danny should have definitely gone with Nixon. When I watched the episode again, it seemed like the look on his face was definitely regret - you could almost see him kicking himself in the pants at being so stupid. But, I imagine that this is part of teh maturity process that we're seeing him go through - the part where he thinks about his actions before impulsively acting on them.
Which means hopefully he thought about it for a bit and then went after her. :lol:

I'm still not a fan of Danny maturing--part of his charm lies in that impulsive behavior, the almost childish inability he has to reign himself in. Without that, he's a bit on the dull side.
Top41 said:
Danny definitely should have gone with Nixon!

YES! Danny SO should have gone with Nixon! It was adorable! she wanted to take him home with her and he so wanted her to. Nixon/Danny is <3

oh, yeah, the rest of the episode was nifty, probably my fovorite so far.
