CSI: New York Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

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Here are my try on Aiden's
msgirl : Sweetie, the icon I made is kinda cute... but it's somehow--zooming so fast. I have no idea how to fix it though. :( Sorry!

kissme thank you i love it even though its going fast :D thanks for making it. I have no idea how to slow it either :D
try adjusting the frame time or something. if you're using animation shop that is.

I'm so bummed at the moment, even the thought of a half naked rory cochrane isn't cheering me up :(
try adjusting the frame time or something. if you're using animation shop that is.
Yeah, I have. On my old computer-- it's absolutely fine, but now when I'm using my new laptop--it ZOOMS! :lol:

Does anyone know how to fix this??
really great icons!>.!..shouldn't we have another thread yet?

Nim ..I saved a few of them...will credit when I use..!ok? ;)
those icons are pretty cute :D now I wish I had screen caps of Linds biting the head off of that spider lol

If that stuff was put in front of me, I would've done the same thing she did :)
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