CSI: New York Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

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25 CSI NY icons - Open Shut & 1 from Risk s2

If you can tell which icon is from Risk then you get a gold star from me :).


The rest can be found here - HERE
LOVE YOUR SECOND ICON, AngelsHell. Brilliant. :) So gorgeous.

I'm just here to show off my new icon. I liked it after messing with Photoship for a long time. :) :lol: Danny and Lindsay from Stealing Home. If I decide to change my icon later... then here it is.
ive made a few more :D

More NY icons
Can someone please make me a moving icon using these pictures with the words:

You Know what - begining
1 2 3 4 5
and at the end I think i love you with a little heart if anyone can make it hope its not asking alot thanks
really nice icons!!! ;) :D

Macayla can I use the taylor banner and a Stella icons from you?[not from the last icons though]?always credit! :)
Hey, it's me again :D

Here's my try for your icon-request msgirl:


Guys, you all did fantastic work, all your icons are great! :)
Hey can I ask some one to do me a Flack and Angel avatar, maybe make it an animated one. with flack and the word "DOn Flack" and then ANgel and the same.
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