CSI: Miami Picture Game Thread #2

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Woo hoo!! *does a little boogie*

So... can I post a link to a picture that I found at a CSI fan wiki, or do I need to link to one that I've posted at my own PhotoBucket or Flickr page?
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Hmmm... I've seen people who post the pic from the wiki page but...

If you are posting the picture as an image, please make sure is it uploaded to your own web space (eg. Photobucket).

I don't know if this help you.
Thanks for the help, csifann1!

Alright, here's the new one (and I resized it so that it's exactly 480 pixels long). I hope it isn't too easy... I just couldn't resist posting this one, though!

DAMNIT!! :scream: I knew it'd be too easy... ah well, at least give someone else a chance to guess before you jump in with the answer! :D
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