I've recently discovered that I can comment your reviews so here I am
Good as always, Kristine.
I loved to see old H&Calleigh back. They were the reason I started watching the show and the actors really did a good job bringing their spirit back. If only they could continue to be that way in 2009...
Calleigh was full of energy and bubbliness (is that a word?), which seems to have bother some people judging by the comments on the episode thread, but that's how I remembered her from "Cross-jurisdictions" and the first half of season 1. She was, in the words of Speed, way too cheerful and that's something I miss a lot.
I think that the writers and Emily chose to overemphasize how happy and enthusiastic was '97 Calleigh, so the audience would understand how the character felt in present day. I just hope Calleigh has something else to do this season than to cry over Eric.
I don't know how I feel about Jesse, he didn't interest me, so time will tell. One thing I didn't like is that he had too much screentime for an episode focused on how the team met.
I would have been enough with just the blood spatter scene to establish his character and his style, because we had already seen his interactions with Horatio in the office and what was their relationship and at the end we had another scene between them, so it's fair to say that he was properly introduced. Overall, too much Jesse and too little Tripp and Natalia in '97. The audience will have enough time to know Jesse, it felt a little too much in this episode.