CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Round 1 - Final Challenge - RESULTS


A LIMS community is when many icon makers compete in a set of challenges, and slowly are eliminated until we get the Last Icon Maker Standing. The first challenges here will be focused on a certain character or actor/actress from all three CSIs. Then, once we get the LIMS from that certain theme, we'll start a whole new round, focusing on another theme.


1.) To sign up, PM me tuesdaymorning.

2.) You must participate in every challenge until you are voted off or you will be disqualified. If you know you will be gone for a number of days, you can notify both cofi and I through PMs saying you want to use your bye.

3.) At voting time, you will vote for your least favorite icon(s). You must include a critical explanation of why you voted an icon off. One or more icon maker will be voted out of the competition after each round. If you cannot handle rejection, do not sign up. Anyone can vote. The person(s) with the most votes will be asked to leave the competition. If you've been disqualified, you can still vote in future challenges. Along with an elimination, there will be a mod's choice, which will be rewarded to the icon I think is the best quality/I like the best.

4.) Follow the rules of each given challenge. You will only enter one icon per challenge. In most cases unless stated otherwise you will only be allowed to use the given image. Stock photos, textures, brushes, gradients, etc. are allowed unless otherwise noted.

5.) All entries must be sent to the icon mod in charge of the at the time. Currently, you would send it to me, tuesdaymorning since I am running it as of now.

6.) You should check back here to make sure that you don't miss any important posts.

7.) If you have any questions/comment, PM me.

Users that will be participating. ( I would love to start at 20 members. ;) )
(once you have PMed me about this, your name will be listed underneath here)

1. fo_poozle
2. Wyoming - Using bye pass for challenge five.
3. ziggystarduzt
4. Chez
5. cinegirl- Using bye pass for challenge five.
6. Reeble - Has used their bye.
7. Lost2MuchSpeed- Using bye pass for challenge five.
8. Macayla
9. Daisy
10. quickbeam_cw
11. CSI_mania
12. CaptainMalcolm
13. life_style - has used their bye
14. Celefinwe
15. Misery
16. AlyssaluvsDanny
17. speed_cochrane
18. sherlockanne
19. IvoryRaven
20. wibble

Bold means they're still in!
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

Come on guys, sign up! This is gonna be a blast! TM, what is the deadline by which fine icon makers can apply?
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

There's not really one. I'm just hoping to get at least 20 members. ;)

Okay everyone! I am leaving for BAND CAMP tomorrow so if you want to join or have questions of any sort, please send it to cofi_shot because I will not be here to recieve them. :lol:
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

No more takers? Come on people, this is going to be fun! PM me if you want to be included in the list. :D

Not only is it going to be fun, it's also a good opportunity to improve our iconing skills. As you've read in the rules, expect to get some cool pointers on making icons. Participants will be helping each other out by offering constructive criticism. :) Eeps I hope I didn't just scare some of you away. :lol:
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

Yeah, come on folks. I can´t wait for this to start. I got myself Photoshop so now i´m ready for competition :D
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

^No dude, that's computer camp. I wouldn't know. I never went to any camps. *tortured sigh* I was IN band though!

When are we starting? I can't wait!
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

I'd join, but I'm alread terrible so it would seem pointless. :lol:
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

Welcome back TM! :D

And speed_cochrane, your stuff is great! So come and join us! :)
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

I'll think about it and get back to ya. ;)
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

I just PM'd cofi shot. I'm joining. That is, if my busy schedule doesn't get in the way. :rolleyes:

And band camp is not where all the cool kids are, my friend. It's church camp. I've spent a week down there insouthern ohio during june. Oh yeah.
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

Great you joined! And I have the same problem: in nearly two weeks I have to leave you for some days, so come on on guys, I'd like to participate one challenge ;) And nobody will destroy someone's self-confidence here :D
@speed_cochrane: I don't wanna talk you into joining if you don't want to, but that's just fun and your stuff is fantastic - just try! :)
Oh, last but not least: Happy B-Day, Ziggi! :)
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

I've thought about it and, I think it would be a great opportunity to see if I can improve my icon-making skills. So I've pm-ed tuesdaymorning :)