CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Round 1 - Final Challenge - RESULTS

Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

^^ same here, I have like 3454543324564 million versions of this one, but I just couldn't pick one that I liked lol I even suprised myself, because I just bought psp x, and I'm learning my way around it, so I did something fairly impressive, but it didn't work with the picture. Ugh, then I tried it again with a diffrent picture, and couldn't figure out how I did it lol oh well.
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

Voting! - Through comments here.

Reeble has contacted me and has used their bye pass.

-You are voting for the LESSER QUALITY icons. Please do not vote using your personal preference, as we are voting on the general quality of the icon. This means you should look at the cropping, coloring, sharpening, text, etc. Do not vote for an icon because you don't like the style of it. Remember, we're voting out the lesser quality icons.

-Comment to this post with your chosen 3 icons. (make sure to look at all of the icons, and don't randomly pick bad ones, pick the TOP THREE OF LEAST QUALITY) With these 2 votes, you must include a reason for each icon and why you're voting for it. If you don't follow the rules, you will be banned from voting. Examples of reasons:
50: The text is oddly placed
68: The colouring is overpowering
72: The icon is oversharpened
56: The icon is too blurry

Do NOT say, "I don't like the font," or, "I hate the colour pink." Do NOT put personal preference into your comment or your vote will be disqualified. Also, do not say: 'You can't tell it's Vanessa', comment on the cropping maybe. Also, don't say that tiny text (the decorational brush) is unreadable.

Remember to vote for 3 icons.

Challenge Three Entries;


Voting will close Tuesday night.
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

oh wow, all of them are so good!
oh, this is going to be hard......

11. The color is distasteful, it makes her look a bit yelow.
01. bad cropping
god I can't choose!
09. The design is neat, but it's a little dark, and maybe needs to be sharpened a bit.

Wow, that took forever, they were all so good!
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

Oh my stars you are all so talented. I had a very very hard time picking which ones to vote for. *sigh* It's times like these I wish I could vote for the prettiest ones...But I'd be voting for all of them. :p

02. The colours are very overpowering. It is oversharpened.
12. The icon is very plain, and dull.
11. Strange crop, and the skin colouring does not compliment the backdrop.

Like I said, very hard to choose. But you all did a very excellent job and you're all so very talented! :D
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

01 - texture overlay is not properly applied (try using the eraser tool with 50% opacity around the face area instead ;) )
11 - skin color too yellowish, Vanessa looks a bit sickly rather than golden
09 - nice effect but the images are too dark, not anough contrast

Oh wow! I've seen a few icons here that I really like. Since we're all here to learn, is it okay if we ask for and offer advice to others regarding the techniques used? Or is it not allowed since we're still in a competition? Oh, and I don't mind the mods reavealing which icons are mine :D
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

Dude wow, this is getting harder every week. I'm not just saying that to be nice, either :D

With a lot of thinking, my 3 are:

01. Crop doesn't show enough of VF- one can't identify she's the subject.
09. Kind of unoriginal colouring, not much going on.
06. Again, unoriginal colouring.

ETA: Ugh, I'm sorry, this is ziggy, I'm on my boyfriend's computer and logged in under his name apparently. heh.
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

Wow, these are hot! :eek:

But still, I have to vote and here are my votes:

01 Weird crop and the colorring doesn't look natural
11 Colorring, her skin has now a unnatural color
07 Too much sharpen
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

Wow this just keeps getting harder and harder! *Wrings hands* Ok here goes...

01 - Interesting colors, but the crop and texture looks a little messy.
11 - The colors and crop make her and the icon unflattering.
12 - Not enough contrast on Vanessa, and the icon is a bit plain.

Awesome job everyone!! :)
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

Man, this is getting really hard, like all of you just mentioned: everyone did a great job! *tears ones hair*
okay, here I go:

11 - the colour is too yellowish and Vanessa herself seems to be a little lost (= unfitting crop? )
12 - a bit too blurred and for me the text draws the attention first, not Vanessa (the subject)
07 - bit oversharpened

Oh, and I don't mind the mods reavealing which icons are mine

Me neither! :D
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

2 - the background is too "Paint" - like.
11 - the background and Vanessa don't fit together, it looks she was cutandpasted.
9 - not creative enough

this was a very hard choice, though. all the icons are made professionally and they look amazing. great job everybody :)
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

01 - Weird cropping
11 - Weird colouring, it makes her look ill
12 - Not enough contrast
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

11 - the greenish background doesn't compliment Vanessa, she looks a little yellowy
1 - the texture should prob have been behind vanessa, and not overlapping her face
9 - vanessa looks very dark and not much happening

god! took me aaages to decide! nice work all round :D
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

#09 too dark
#12 needs more contrast - bit plain
#01 strange crop
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

01 - the texture overpowers the subject
12 - image is washed out
11 - too yellow, the color doesn't look natural on Vanessa
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

Wow, y'all need to stop improving. :lol: It's so hard to choose three icons. They're all pretty. Oh well, here it goes:

01. Not too fond of the crop
11. The colouring makes her skin look weird.
06. The background colour takes focus away from Vanessa.

Good job everyone :)