CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Round 1 - Final Challenge - RESULTS

Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25


-Comment to this post with your chosen 3 icons. (make sure to look at all of the icons, and don't randomly pick bad ones, pick the TOP THREE OF LEAST QUALITY) With these 3 votes, you must include a reason for each icon and why you're voting for it. If you don't follow the rules, you will be banned from voting.

-You are voting for the LESSER QUALITY icons. Please do not vote using your personal preference, as we are voting on the general quality of the icon. This means you should look at the cropping, coloring, sharpening, text, etc. Do not vote for an icon because you don't like the style of it. DO NOT put personal preference into your comment or your vote will be disqualified.

Examples of good reasons:
50: The text is oddly placed
68: The colouring is overpowering
72: The icon is oversharpened
56: The icon is too blurry

Examples of bad reasons:
"I don't like the font." (Personal preference)
"I hate the colour pink." (Personal Preference)
"You can't tell it's Vanessa." (You may comment on the cropping instead.)
"The tiny text/decorative brush is unreadable." (Because they’re supposed to be that way.)

-Remember to vote for 3 icons.
-You don't need to be a participant of the challenge in order to vote.
-With enough votes, voting will close on Sunday night.
-Makers of the two icons with the most number of votes will be eliminated.

Challenge Two Entries:




Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

I´m right on time :)
That´s a tough decision today. They all look gorgeous.

Okay, but....
#2 needs more contrast
#9 is too light (do i say light or bright or what ?)
#4 has too much of a green-ish tone
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

3 - the color of her skin is unnatural
4 - the background seems sloppy
9 - the cropped area is very limited and there aren't enough colors

but i really like all of them. great work!!! :)
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

Hard choice ... but here are my votes:

3 - Strange colorring, doesn't look natural
10 - Weird crop, here face looks very big now
2 - Too much sharpen
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

10- The colour is bland, the cropping is not symetrical and takes up too much of a small area.
04- The colour tone overpowers the icon.
05- Too much contrast, and it's a little too bright.

You all did very well, and there is so much talent here! :eek: Good luck to everyone. :)
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

This was a tough one, the icons are really great :)

#9 - It's too bright and doesn't use many colours.
#10 - Not very interesting colouring and the crop makes her face look big.
#2 - Not enough contrast.
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

09 - The image is way too bright. If more color was put into icon, it would have fitted better.
03 - Icon looks quite messy. The brush used does not seem to work well with Ferlito's skin tone.
02 - The colors don't mix well with Ferlito. And sharpened is used a little too much.
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

2 - edges are very jagged, need smoothened out.
9 - different parts make it seem a little untidy? random? also a little bright, the bright pinks emphasised this.
3 - colouring is a little orangey, it seems to make her eyes look more sunken into her face. the background doesn't seem to fit with the orange
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

Wow these are all so great!! Another tough choice...

10 - The picture is cropped a little strange and the whole look is too plain.
02 - Interesting colors, but the lines look rough and unclear.
03 - The colors are a little strange and make her skin look too orange/brownish.

Great job everyone though! :)
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

2; Too sharp.
9; The image is too.. hmm, how do you call that, bright?
15; The image is not clear enough..

Good job everyone! :)
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

These are all incredible.. I think this was even harder than last week to make a choice :)

2- It's oversharpened and rough-looking.
1- Too bright, not enough colour. Otherwise very creative.
3- The fuzzy texture on the right draws attention away from the subject.

ETA: I'm so sorry, my brain isn't functioning well right now, I meant to vote for 9 instead of 1. My apologies :eek:
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

4 - too green
9 - too bright/too much of one colour
15 - image not clear enough
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

02 - oversharpened
10 - oddly cropped, little/uninteresting colouring
03 - blurry, boring empty space on right side
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25

Really tough choices. All of them are so great this time around.

07 - A bit too blurry and the black and white makes it look a bit bland
03 - Strange colour and a bit plain
14 - Cool idea but the image is a bit too contrasted and the text is plain