CSI: Miami Look-a-likes...


Lab Technician
Ok so i was watchin happy days (some of you might be too young to know what it is but anyways) and this post came to my mind. just put pics of csi: miami look-a-likes heres one i found of ryan

happy days charcter:

it doesnt even have to be look-a-likes maybe they just reminded you have a csi miami character

if this is a dumb idea then feel free to lock feds lol

jessica :lol:
they do have a few facial features that look a like ...but i thin kthe differences are easy to see...but yes..there is a small resemblance
Actually i have a friend named Kristen, and she looks remarkably like our Calliegh. (I'm going to get her the Calleigh sunglasses for her b-day ;) ) I'll come back with a picture.
hehe talking about happy days... I remember a certain red head :lol: Just that they are not look-a-likes... but red hair will do for H I guess :lol:
ther is this kind in my school who you will swear is a young Speed. he looks just like him only younger. it's kind of creepy how much they look alike. and i jokingly call him Speed. and he just laughs because he knows who i'm talking about. :D
Come on , I don' think Eric Szmanda and Jonathan Togo look alike ; they really don't ! Jake looks a lot like Jon !
Need4Speed said:
ther is this kind in my school who you will swear is a young Speed. he looks just like him only younger. it's kind of creepy how much they look alike. and i jokingly call him Speed. and he just laughs because he knows who i'm talking about. :D

ask him if he would mind if a photo was taken of him :lol:
i don't think he'll mind now. seeing as he is now my boyfriend :D so i can say that I'm going out with Speed LOL!!! :lol: i'll see if i can get a pic of him.
AaaaahhhH! Scott Baio!

Sorry. Chachi (spelling?) always kind of bothered me. The Fonz lost his edge so you bring in a young one? Was that the purpose?

And to be on topic.... Scott Baio doesn't really look like Mr. Togo. Or at least I don't see it. I do see the Jake/Jonathan one, though.

I'll report back if I can come up with any of my own.

Oh, and Need4Speed, that's awesome! I want my own personal look-a-like.
i think the Connecticut Channel three news anchor Irene O'Conner looks like Boti Bliss/Valera....what do you think? Boti is the one on the right, Irene is on the left, obviously.
I think she looks alot like Boti, and as for the whole Jon Togo and Eric Szmanda, i don't think they look alike, Jon and Jake Gyllenhaal do tho.
yeah, i'm disregarding my post on Jon and Eric, they don't look anything alike, i must have been half asleep when i posted it! but Jon and Jake look a like.