[highlight]RIP CSI MIAMI[/highlight]
I'm having Dejavu here (afterall this is third in a row speech)...
Anyways, thank you CSI Miami! It's been greatest ten years of my miserable life and you managed to pull me out of depression ever since my eyes saw your signature title and ears heard signature intro theme. That song will forever and always remind me of my greatest tv experience. I'll visit library one day (or friend's pc) and make a memorance wallpaper for the greatest ten-year old show that changed my universe and made the world better.
Thank you Miami for lighting up my saddest days and darkest moods. Thank you for reviving my muse and bringing most awesome dreams that'd led my day through school and kept me believing in good when I was about to kill my classmates.
Thank you for existing!
I've been most loyal fan in my country and probably only latvian here. And I'm damn proud I have the chance being here.
Miami forum's been my most visited place here where I've spent most awesome days and nights spilling out my guts (thoughts) about how I love the show and certain actors.
I literally didn't know about bad news until I was hit by two headlines above, which happened only after my hunch bit me in my butt.
I might be a psychic by slightest bit, but despite not being surprised (I knew inevitable will come but still the part of my heart kept hoping) I am sad though.
Tv has been my closest friend and probably replaced father I never had and never will have and also been my biggest teacher and so was CSI Miami. I looked up at it taking in everything, and heck, I've learned more than I did at school.
During these ten years I've decided my future career and know that one day I'll be csi myself and will do it as best as I can.
I know I may sound like a silly teen but I truly loved the show throughout it's days.
*getting emotional again*
I am almost out of words now and if I were alone and it's been night I can assure there'd be tears right now. I'm literally holding them until evening when I'll be letting them out. *emotional moment*
And gee all these wonderful people here on this forum I've met :luvlove: I love you all!
I've spiked up my English skills thrice as good as they were and during my days here I have two half dead phones from all my posting bums:lol:
I've seen most awesome pics and learned most awesome stuff about my fav actors/actresses.
And huge thanks goes to Jonathan Togo for perking up my like and respect for my glasses. If you wasn't wearing yours I'd thrown mine away.
And once again, these have been most awesome time of my life.
And Miami truly rocks the world! My country defo. They are now better equipped for crime solving and now we do actually have some fancy csi-ish stuff
*emotional moment again*