CSI: Miami Icons #7 - Showcase, Links and Requests

Omg, I love all of your icons, girls! I have some to post as well, but I can't get photo bucket to load right now... as soon as it does, I'll share! :D

BDS, I'm totally loving your first one, in uniform. He looks so adorable there... Can I keep him!? :D
Omg, I love all of your icons, girls! I have some to post as well, but I can't get photo bucket to load right now... as soon as it does, I'll share! :D

BDS, I'm totally loving your first one, in uniform. He looks so adorable there... Can I keep him!? :D

oh sure you can ;)

my friend stated that he doesn't look that good in uniform but since i got the video and pics like this i completely fell for it :D

i had significant issue with photobucket and it left me with disappointment since i'm mobile user and for some time i won't see computer, so when that happens I'll divide retro icons from the current album.
Great Ryan icons shazza, I did snagg them:)

shazza, totally loving your icons! You guys capture his essence beautifully!

Thanks guys! :D Some New!Ryan icons now:

Enjoy! :D
gorgeous icons BlueDianmondStar! for the future though please make sure you only post 3 images and the rest as links per the rules in the first post. Thanks!!

[x] Do not post more than three icons at the same time. Some use dial up and when you post lots of images it's going to take a long time for them to download the page. However, you may post url links to the rest of the icons.
thanks :D
yeah sorry for posting too many pics. believe me i know, i'm using the most inappropriate internet on whole planet so i know, but i just recently started to post pics, well somehow learned how to use the code for icons:)
sorry again, won't happen again.
thanks :D
yeah sorry for posting too many pics. believe me i know, i'm using the most inappropriate internet on whole planet so i know, but i just recently started to post pics, well somehow learned how to use the code for icons:)
sorry again, won't happen again.

No worries! Just keep posting the icons! Its great to see a few of you posting stuff!! :)
ok thanks, i'm glad you like :)

i'm surprised they turned out nicely since i had to improvise b/c my other phone don't support much options at image editor field.
Awesome icons everyone! Such amazing talent from an amazing group, =).

Over in the Ryan thread, we're coming up with more theme ideas. For Feb, one is pink... so here are some!




Hopefully, I'll have time to make more later on this week, =).