CSI : Miami Icons #5 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Thanks for the compliments, Zelda! :)

Here is my Valera 1v1 icon.

Soph the colours on that last batch are great and i love the texture/brush(?) you used on the second one.
Kat you always make top quality icons, love the styles you do :)
Sara your scenic ones are amazing i've snagged em :thumbsup:
Zelda i like the simplicity, that's what makes yours awesome icons! Especially the second.

Thanks for all the feedback guys! As soon as I read the "scenic views" challenge, Rio was the first thing I thought of, hence the Christ the Redeemer statue icon.

But wow to all of you! My gosh, the icons that have been posted in here since I last visited are amazing. My favorites? WGG's scenic views (that color is so intense, but in a very good way) and CSI_Sneaky's Ryans. He really does make the best faces, doesn't he? And the text placement looks great!
Thankyou Zelda :thumbsup: Ryan's faces crack me up and inspired me to make more. New technique again, i'm sticking to this technique now :)


Huh? Smile!
Sophia - LOVE that Cal/Delko one.....gorgeous!

Thanks it means alot :)! I love your icons! I see CONSTANT improvement in your work! Nice job love the 1st H icon in that second batch you posted :)

Thanks Sophia. I love your latest ones. The Natalia one is great. Also the ones from the last challange are beutiful. I really love the Miami one.:) And your "Paper" ones are gorgeous. I love the colors.

Thank you Linda its appreicated!! Glad you like the Nat one!

Sophia amazing new icons. and not a problem!!! The third icon of Calleigh and E is my favourite of the last post you made. i love the contrast to that icon great job!
Thanks! Was just trying out a tut so I'm glad you like that one! hehe left a comment at your LJ...

Soph the colours on that last batch are great and i love the texture/brush(?) you used on the second one.

Thanks, its means alot coming from you Dan! :) its a brush I believe I just can't remember where I got from but I can find out and give you the link if your interested! :)

Sara - love your icon from the 1v1! Nice Job!

Mine from the 1v1:


Enjoy! :)
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nattybatty awesome alexx icon. i love the colourization!

dopebabygirl regardless of when these icons were made, simply amazing. great job!

zeldawow. you continue to amazing me. i love those rio icons :) great job - keep it up

sophia thanks!! hehe i saw your comments since we're having a DC convo on there.
Great icons. i love the ryan one the most!!!

CSiSneakygreat job, i love them!!!! i love the "huh?!" one the most!!

I once again updated my live journal. but with David cook ONLY.
I do have ryan ones just i need to make some more before posting them cos i hate posting blogs with only like 10 icons LOL.
if you are interested my link to my lj is right here
then entry is May 21 2008 :)
gorgoeus icons everyone!
dopebabygirl, your icons are i great i love the 3rd one(natalia and delko), its beautiful.
nattybatty55, that alexx icon is gorgeous, i love the coloring and how you chopped it up like that.
sophia, gorgeous, your use of textures are amazing, that one of natalia in particular.
Zelda49, great icon too, i love the font and how you matched it with the coloring of the icon.
CSISneaky, those are fantastic your coloring is great, i especially love the 1st ryan one, i just loved him in that green sweater.
wolfesgamergirl awesome icon too. we don't see nearly enough valera anymore.
and katie, i'm totally headed over to your lj right now. you know i love me some of your icons <3

and i have some from the last episode

Thanks for the kind words everyone! Love all the icons! Great seeing so many Ryan ones. Inspired me to make 2 Ryan ones tonight.


Woow! Lots of amazing icons! :D

KT - haha more Cook! icons! YAY! :D You are so awesome! I left a comment at your LJ!...

Ashley - love the icons the Nat one is totally my fav *is snagging* beautiful colouring btw! :)

Nat - Love the icon of Alexx its pretty! :D

Zelda - Love that icon! :D Its amazing!!! Fantastic works!!!

Dan - awesome job! *snags the ryan icons* the Nat one's are gorge too! Nice job!! Love the colouring!

dopebabygirl - love your icons they're so pretty!! Your use of text is great!!! Love 'em!!

Kat - Zomg! Ryan :drool: after all those H icons!! hahaha they're beautiful...nice job!!

A few from the lastest episode "Going Ballistics":


Enjoy! :)
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