CSI : Miami Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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aww cute Calleigh one

i just wanted to post to tell fo_poozle who hasnt posted in a while THANKS so much for mi icon back when you made it :D i <3 it to death

edit: wow retard moment

hmm turns out fo_poozle did post ha ha retard moment i wonder how i didnt catch that one
nice ryan icons lilly. the third one...when he held up the scalp i almost gagged and gruesome stuff never bothers me...just something about that. *shudder*
fo_poozle those icons are so pretty, i especially like the calleigh one. :)
hunter i love that last one...hehe
thanks guys!
and your welcome xTriggerx ha, i'm glad you like it ;)
great icons Hunter i love the caption on the last ryan one :lol:

probably be lots more tomorrow b/c i don't have class or work or hw...*sigh* its a beautiful thing. :)
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