CSI : Miami Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Berylla Nienna said:
AlexxWoods said:
just wanted to show this one alana (marisol) icon I made


^^ I really like that one, where did you found that picture, or do you want to share the Whole picture with me?

^^ the Calleigh Icons are stunning very very pretty thanks.. :p

I have the pic from my alana fansite , there are also lots of other pictures on there. And if anyone's interested in how I made it, I posted a tutorial here
Okay guys here's my OFFICIAL start at some animation icons. The Speed one I had already posted but it was too big and it moved funny so I redid it using a tutorial I found. Hope you guys like them!! hehe

hhl awesome icons! love the ryan one, that cracks me up.

kit, the 2nd one is fantastic. hah i love it.
Hip hugga lovah Pretty animation ones, great job with it i am so jealous cant make something like that ;)

Kit4na Love those Yelina ones the second one is so funny *smiles*..That one with H and the kitty so cute.. :p

I made a few more..

The rest is over HERE ..>>
Great avatars everyone!! :D

Berylla Nienna the Kathryn Morris ones are gorgeous!! :)

Can anyone make me an avatar with this pic?

Thanx! ;)
I love the ryan one Hip_hugga_lovah and Kit4na i love the horatio and kitten one plus the one with yelina that says horatio don't put our clothes back on lol that's funny and so true
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