CSI : Miami Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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as always great job everyone, they are amazing!
and xanessa i went ahead and gave your request a try :D
Ashley I just went over to your LJ and snagged about a million icons, going way back to November of last year. Wonderful job! You amaze me with your super photoshop skills. :D

dopebabygirl your icons are amazing! I'm looking forward to more of them, thank you for sharing them and keep up the great work.

katbug I love the cropping on that last icon, great job. :)

Callacrap nice work. Man did I love that phrase, isn't Ryan just the best? :lol: Anyway keep up the great work as well, would love to see more from you.

Hrockz I'm in love with the last one. That look on his face!

Stef, I have fallen in love with the last one, great job on the coloring. And of course all the more H, right? ;) And then Stetler. I've decided he's my favorite character. :lol: I mean, H and Ryan are wonderful, and Speed, but Stetler is Stetler. More Stetler love! :lol: Anyway amazing job.

*whew* Everyone? Good, I hope so. I need to make some more Speed icons soon...
Thatgirl1 - thx! That quote was the inspiration for that icon! Loved that episode!

Thx Cainesugar. Trying to follow advice about the cropping!

Great icons everyone!
*sneaks in*

please remember to not quote the images - it uses up valuable bandwidth, and we all don't want this ;) thank you :)

*sneaks out*
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