CSI : Miami Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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The totally hot men of Miami

Thanks Kit4na for the icon! I love it!

Great works everyone, keep it up!

Can I ask, are we allowed to steal any icons to use for our own profiles (without requests if people just post) or do we need to ask first?
Callacrap i don't think any one would mind if you took it, just credit them when you use one of their icons :)

amazing icons everyone!
cainesugar i love the ryan one lol
^^ Callacrap, I wouldn't know for other people, but if you wanted to use one of mine it'd be fine; in fact it'd be an honor. :D

^ You're welcome that_girl1. Glad you like it. :)
Callacrap - I know mine are not that good....still trying to understand the basics - but you can use any of mine if you want.
Thanks cainesugar and katbug!

Now it's the hard decision of which to choose! There is so many good ones!

For now, i'm going to use the only one I have made! :D Its a load of pants but it'll be gone soon!
BulletGrrrl I loved #s 1, 9, 10, 11, 18 and 28. Fantastic job, the brush effects are wonderful. :)

Hrockz I just saw yours above my previous post, the first Horatio one is just amazing. Great job! BN I like the 'Ryan Curse' one and the first Calleigh one.

Keep up the great work everyone! I'm going pic-hunting, want to make some more icons. :D
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