CSI:Miami Icon Chal. Thr. 2 - Ch.#28 ~Yellow - Results!

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Re: CSI: Miami Icon Challenge Thread 2- CH # 24

2n place?!! AWESOME!! :)

Congratulations to everyone for the great icons!
Re: CSI: Miami Icon Challenge Thread 2- CH # 24

Heeey, congratulations to the winners! These were awesome icons!
Re: CSI: Miami Icon Challenge Thread 2- CH # 24

Wow, 1st and 3rd place - Cool! Thank you very much for the votes :D

Congrats to all the other winners. Really good icons!
Re: CSI: Miami Icon Challenge Thread 2- CH # 24

Wow! I placed! Thanks guys! :D I feel very honoured to tie with cathwillows.

Great icons! It was so hard to vote. :eek:
Re: CSI: Miami Icon Challenge Thread 2- CH # 24

Congrats to all the winners and great icons all around. Now let me say WOW! 2nd place and best color, I nearly fell off my chair. Well it has to be that my fav color is purple and Ryan looks best in it, IMO. Thanks to everyone who voted for me.
Re: CSI: Miami Icon Challenge Thread 2- CH # 24

Ok - 1st now that my crazy weekend is over I can start on winner banners from the last challenge.

Now Open - CSI: Miami Icon Challenge #24 - Red

This is based off the poll we did awhile ago. You all seemed interested in doing a color theme. This will be our fav characters in the color red! It can be pants, a tie, whatever you want as long as they are wearing something red.

The rules - which were "borrowed" from a variety of people!


Subject: CSI: Miami IC #24 - Red. I am also running the 1x1 challenge this week so this is important!
Body: Images, URLs. If you cannot do images - the URLS are fine.

1. You may enter up to 3 icons.
2. Please size all icons to 100x100 pixels. I don't really want to have to re-size any icons.
3. Please PM your entry to me, CSI_Kat, by Tuesday Feb 5th 3 pm EST. There will be NO extensions for this challenge.
4. No vulgar words or phrases allowed.
5. Please don't post your icons anywhere else. You don't want to win because your friends voted for you, you want to win because you deserved it.
6. No animations allowed.
7.Since we were successful with the 3 categories last time we will be doing it again....so you also need to let me know which category you will be in - beginner, intermediate or advanced. For anyone entering intermediate - please also indicate an alternative categry in case we don't have enough to do 3 categories If you are not sure where you belong - here are some helpful guidelines
8. Most importantly - have fun!


I provided caps for this challenge. However - feel free to use any cap you want. Just make sure they are wearing something red!

Each category will have a special techniques assigned to it. HOWEVER - if you use your special technique - I want you to give your icons a Valentines theme. You can use text, brushes, textures, etc. This are not required!

Beginners - your technique will be text
Intermediate - your technique will be textures
Advanced - your technique will be using brushes

Ok the caps I am providing


Please pm me with any questions. Happy icon making!
Re: CSI: Miami Icon Challenge Thread 2- CH # 24

Ok I think I have all the requested banners done. If I missed anyone - please pm me. Thx!
Re: CSI: Miami Icon Challenge Thread 2- CH # 24

Ok - just to clarify - making the icon with a Valentines Day theme is not a requirement. I just thought a few of you might enjoy doing it so I wanted it as an option. Hope to see a lot of entries for this!
Re: CSI: Miami Icon Challenge Thread 2- CH # 24

I'm definitely in for this one! :D (CSI_Kat, I still owe you a banner don't I? :eek:)

ETA: Just sent mine in! Can't wait to see what everyone does with this awesome theme. :)
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