CSI: Miami--'Born To Kill'

CSI Files


After a night of clubbing, Shelly Seaver ends up dead in her apartment, her hands bound with fishing wire and the letter Y carved into her chest. Alexx determines she was stabbed to death, and points out two different knife patterns--one straight, the other serrated. Shelley's friend Alexis tells the CSIs she left Shelly at the club to go off with a sexy man on a motorcycle who ditched her when she wouldn't sleep with him. The CSIs track down the biker, Travis Peck, but the knife he has doesn't match Shelly's wounds. Tripp uncovers three similar murders in Boston with an identical signature, leading Horatio to think a serial killer has set up shop in Miami. Traces of red fish scales lead the CSIs to Mosquito Island, where they zero in on Lucas Wade, who has suspicious scratches on his face. Lucas admits to hooking up with Shelly after Alexis left with Travis, but claims he left her alive.

Ryan Wolfe is going over all his old cases and tickets he gave out as a patrol officer, trying to account for a sizeable deposit in his account in hopes of getting his job back. Lucas's sister Lindsay arrives at the station hoping to post bail for her brother. She tells the CSIs that Lucas has an extra Y chromosome, making him predisposed to aggressive behavior and earning him the scorn of their parents growing up. While Lucas is in custody, another woman, Jennifer Royce, turns up dead, a Y carved into her chest as well. Prints on the murder weapon lead to Rita Bolton, Lucas's girlfriend, but she insists she simply packed his fishing kit for him. Jake leaves in a van to transport Lucas to prison, but one of the wheels becomes loose and flies off, turning over the van, injuring Jake and allowing Lucas to escape.

Delko finds severed handcuffs and biker boot prints at the scene, leading the CSIs back to Travis. Travis, who served time in a jail cell next to Lucas in Boston, was his partner in crime, luring women away from their friends so that Lucas could prey on them. Alexx shows Calleigh that the Y incision on Jennifer's chest was done by a left-handed person, not a right-handed one like the others, leading the CSIs to Lucas's sister Lindsay. Lindsay tells them that Lucas took her daughter, Holly. Calleigh looks up an old story in a Boston newspaper about the death of Lindsay and Lucas's sister, Emma, when they were all children. Lucas was blamed for her death, but Calleigh is able to get Lindsay to admit to being the actual killer. Using a child tracker attached to Holly and information from Ryan, who after going through his tickets realized he once pulled Lucas over, the CSIs find Lucas with Holly. He is arrested, and both Wade siblings are taken away. Jake leaves the hospital and makes his interest in Calleigh clear by kissing her in the lab, while Natalia helps Ryan go over his past arrests. Horatio stands on top of a building looking out on the city he helps keep safe.


I'll admit, I like a good spoiler as much as the next girl (or guy). A well placed hint, a carefully worded tease--I eat that stuff up. There's an art to giving good spoilers: giving away enough to get people excited, but not too much that they can predict what's going to happen. With finale season upon us, there are spoilers all over the place: in magazines, in newspapers, on websites. There's lots of juicy info to be had, and it isn't too hard to find.


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I love the reviews here, because they're usually spot-on. This one was no different.

The main problem here is that Horatio is a caricature of himself - that's been apparent since Season 4. I'm glad I'm not the only one who was annoyed at how easily the kid opened up to H - I thought that was a great opportunity to delve into his past a bit (No offense to anyone, but if I had to pick stuff to cut to lengthen that scene and make it more believable, I would cut out some of that E/C stuff and give us some more "human" H, please).

I wasn't terribly disappointed with the episode, although I pegged the sister from the beginning. It had some good twists, but overall it felt like a "regular" episode - it didn't have the pizazze of a season finale. Last week's "Kill Switch" was much better.

As for the whole E/C thing, I for one hope they don't act on it, but that's just me. I think this is forced, and it's turning CSI into a soap opera. Let's bring back the friendships and camaraderie first, please! I mean, it's probably the H/C shipper in me, but I don't think it's a coincidence that Calleigh hasn't had a real scene with Horatio in god knows how long, and Horatio is still acting like a super hero. Cal brings H back to earth, and lightens his character up a bit. We need more scenes with these two next year. That might help bring back the real H.

Loved the whole Ryan subplot with Natalia - that was refreshing - that's the kind of friendship I want to see.

As for the spoilers - they were totally misleading and I doubt anyone will ever own up to why they lied. I bet TV Guide is going to give CSI:Miami the "Jeer of the Week" though. What an underhanded way to get ratings.
Thank you! :) One thing I have to ask is if Horatio has had a meaningful scene with anyone this season, save perhaps Delko when he was in the hospital? Like you, I miss the more human side of Horatio that was so evident in the earlier seasons. I felt like he connected with his team much more in seasons one and two, but since Speed's death he's become more and more remote. That's not an uninteresting avenue to explore, but Horatio is still human and if that's what's happening, we need to see it. I feel like Horatio has lost much of his humanity, which came out when he was with victims, yes, but also with his team.

TV Guide should give Miami a jeer since they were essentially lied to about the finale.
Thank you for review too.The last episode is so fast.This season have more exciting,and so serias the review about H'injury but now dont have anything!!!
Excellent review, Top. :D

Top41 said
I felt like he connected with his team much more in seasons one and two, but since Speed's death he's become more and more remote. That's not an uninteresting avenue to explore, but Horatio is still human and if that's what's happening, we need to see it. I feel like Horatio has lost much of his humanity, which came out when he was with victims, yes, but also with his team.

Sometimes I feel the writers have forgotten this aspect of Horatio and now he seems not only a shadow of his former self, but he's becoming more and more contrived and unrealistic. There was always an inkling of unrealism with his character from the get-go, but now it's getting ridiculous.

Don't get me wrong, I love his character a lot, but it ruins whole episodes for me when he's being portrayed in this light. :rolleyes: Especially since he was able to get that kid to talk right away. I would have thought it would take more than two seconds, but that's just me.

TV Guide should give Miami a jeer since they were essentially lied to about the finale.

It's things like that, that make me want to watch another show. :rolleyes: I don't see how they expect their fans to be excited about a finale when now we don't even know if what they're saying is the truth, even if we know they juice it up a bit. Outright lying isn't going to bring in any more fans.

All that aside, the episode had an interesting concept and it did have some really good scenes, so I can't complain too much. :p
Thanks, guys! :)

speed_cochrane said:
Sometimes I feel the writers have forgotten this aspect of Horatio and now he seems not only a shadow of his former self, but he's becoming more and more contrived and unrealistic. There was always an inkling of unrealism with his character from the get-go, but now it's getting ridiculous.

Agreed. Horatio was painted as a larger-than-life type of character from the get-go, but there was a humanity to him in his connection to his team that made him accessible to the audience. Now, I feel like he simply swoops in to make grand pronouncements like, "And we won't abandon you, Mr. Wolfe" and that's about it. He feels like some superhero type, and that might work on the big screen for Superman, but on a weekly basis we need more from a character who is ostensibly still human.
I don't like the fact that yet again they prove someone is the bad guy because they are left handed. It seems all us lefties should be incarcerated forth with as we are all potential homicidal maniacs :mad: