When Calleigh and Eric were looking through the private detective's vault of recorded disks, they were shocked to find DVDs of ________ .
Horatio did not want to take a chance of the detective finding the listening device in the pepper grinder, so he also planted one in the waitress' ________ .
A: this season's episodes of a show called CSI: Miami
B: bra
Phrases for Thursday, May 15...
Mac Taylor remembered the time serving in the Marines when the bugler couldn’t blow Reveille because he couldn’t find his bugle, so the bugler blew his ________ .
Reed was very upset that he was tied up in the trunk of the taxi. But what really upset him more was the fact that the cabbie had _________ .
And in honor of George Lucas' birthday today, here is a BONUS phrase.
If George Lucas would ever be asked to write or direct an episode of any of the CSI series, he would come up with a popular saying, like "May the ________ be with you."