CSI: Match Game, Season 7: The ___________ stops here!


ROFL that adult diaper answer does things to my mind. Probably cause someone wrote a fic about it recently...didn't read it but now I can't shake the image lol
For Tuesday, June 24...
While looking at the drunks in a New York City bar, Detective Don Flack said to Dr. Sheldon Hawkes, “Have you heard about the Olympics for drunks? The main event is the 100 yard ________ .”
Sam Braun recalled growing up in a tough neighborhood. It was so tough that his school store sold ________ .
From yesterday:
A: crash
B: brass knuckles

For Wednesday, June 25...
Catherine Willows said, “I got the most rottenest birthday gift ever. It is a book called Beauty Secrets of ________ .”
When the crime scene clean-up crew came in after Ryan Wolfe packed up his field kit, he told them they were trying to clean the carpet the wrong way. He said, "It is just something I learned while off the force and working at ________ ."
From yesterday:
A: Roseanne Barr
B: Motel 6 as a housekeeper

On this date, Thursday, June 26, back in 1974, actress Elizabeth Taylor got her fifth divorce out of seven (and widowed once). This time, it was from actor Richard Burton. Hate to pick on Warrick Brown with all his other problems, but these phrases come to mind.
Warrick said, "I'd hate to be like Liz Taytor and be married so many times. You see, the problem with so many marriages and divorces is that you have so many ________s."
Warrick confided to Nick that if he should get married again, it will be to ________.
Answers for Thursday's phrases:
A: mothers-in-law
B: wealthy woman

Sorry about not having pjrases for the past few days. I was out of town without a puter to log on with. Glad to be home and on here.

For Tuesday, July 1...
Stella invented a new form of karate. She doesn’t use her hands or feet. She breaks boards with her ________ .
When Jim Brass told Dumb Dora he was bringing her to the cooler, Dumb Dora brought along a ________ .