CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!!!

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Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

A: ...item on Chinese Restaurant menu
B: ...Lenny Briscoe
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

a. going with seafood

b. NYC Mayor Bloomberg :eek:
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

Hankster said:
A-A Seafood appetizer


lol I ALMOST said Sid for B, but that last ep gets me thinking twice now 'cause of knowing he's married. Not that he couldn't cheat...I don't know, it's still funny to use him for questions like this. *shrug*
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

Sunday Feb. 25th begins Weird End of Sweeps Crossover edition of CSI: Match Game!

New phrases for Feb. 25th (CSI/Las Vegas Crossover):

Catherine Willows is dispatched to the Montecito Casino when Security Chief Danny McCoy reported a ________ found rolling in the roulette wheel.

Nick Stokes ends up a little TOO PERSONALLY involved in a case when ______________, an employee of the Montecito whom he dated, is accused of murder. Is she innocent? Can Nick find out the turth?
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

A: ...eyeball
B: ...Delinda Deline (back when Danny was dating Mary)
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

A: baby toe

B: Natalia Bonavista (CSIMiami, moonlighting)
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

luvingmyHoratio said:
B: Natalia Bonavista (CSIMiami, moonlighting)
Natalia was never an emplyee of the Montecito Casino and Hotel, nor was Eva LaRue Callahan ever a guest star on the show "Las Vegas".
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

so? some people may not watch both shows and dont understand the phrases, but they should still be allowed to play and put whatever response they want in the blank without someone telling them they are wrong.
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