CSI LV - Human prey . Rated T mistery/horror


Lab Technician
The game

A dark wood . Far away from the city . The moon was shinning on the night sky . Everything seemed quiet . Just some birds flying , or other night animals searching for food . There was nothing unusual.
The waves of cool air were freezing even the birds . The green leafs of the trees were reflecting the moonlight , so the forest looked strange . There was darkness under them and light on . Everything looked creepy in that night actually .
A car’s light appeared next to the forest . The light of the truck was making things easier to see .Next to the forest was a road . A highway to be precise . Cars were rarely passing through that area . Only trucks or buses , but nothing too often . That forest had been for a long time a good place for people to walk or relax , but it was sold to some guy . He just came , asked for the price and bought the property . He said he wanted to buy the whole forest that had over 2000 ha and he paid the money . A couple of hundred million dollars . But it was his right to buy whatever he wanted . Rumors said that the man was a serial killer or something , but people never actually believed what they said . They knew the guy had no friends , and he rarely was going into town . He preferred , probably , the silence of the forest and the cool air in there .
He had some friends , casino owners , rich guys who came visiting and were staying at his house for days . No one knew how his house looked like , but they weren’t intrigued by this guy . In Las Vegas nothing is surprising .
Some voices were heard in that killing silence . There were at least ten people , probably men that were running .
“You saw the animal ? Shoot him !” one of them yelled “don’t let that get away ! We ran enough after that bastard ! ”
“I don’t see it , Johnson ! ” a shoot rang in the air and something like yell echoed . “you killed him , Mike ?”
“No , the beast escaped ! ”
That was , maybe , a haunting . But the question was what animal were those guys haunting ? Probably it was an important prey if they were running after it like that .
“You hurt it ? At least .?”
“Yeah … but not in the head , nor in the heart ! Those fucking beasts ! I’ll kill them all tonight ! “
“No , we only hunt this one tonight , so that we can have fun daily ! I love to go hunting animals like those !”
Probably the guys were the owner of the forest with his friends . One of them turned his head , with the shot gun in his hand . He saw something moving in the bushes and headed over there. The leafs were ,moving faster while he was approaching and he thought he caught his prey . But the animal jumped quickly and ran in front of him before the hunter had time to react . He cursed , spit and went to join the others .
“I almost had it !” he spat “I could’ve killed it , but it was too fast !”
The others laughed hearing the story and asked him where the animal went . He pointed to the South . All of them took their shot guns , bags , hats and looked at each other with a decided look : that was the last time the animal would ran away from them . The one called Mike was leading the group of ten people . The light of their flashlights was blinding . Probably that was perfect to catch their animal .
But still , so many people for just a little thing like a deer or a rabbit ? Who knows what kind of beast they were hunting … but it wasn’t bigger than them .
-meanwhile at the CSI lab-
Greg and Sara just arrived at the lab . They were late and they knew Grissom was going to be mad at them for not showing up when they had to . They were expecting the worse when they saw their bosses scared face , but then they realized it was something else .
“Greg , Sara ! God you’re here !”
“Sorry , Grissom , we are late ”
“That doesn’t matter now . We have very important case going on ! ”
“Important ? Serial killer , what ?” Greg asked while he and Sara followed Grissom in the lab all the team was in . Everybody looked frightened and didn’t even look at them . All seemed to be working hard on some photos .
“Grissom , what happened ?” Sara asked him “what’s with the rush , the fear I feel ? I know it’s something wrong , but what ?” Grissom just pushed them and showed them the screen .
“Eleven people disappeared in the last five days ! eleven ! ”
“Oh my dear Lord …” Greg replied “ten ?”
“And we don’t know anything about them , we will have all the teams searching for traces from this guys . I don’t like this stuff at all . So , all of you , get ready , we are going at the families of those guys ”
Greg and Sara looked at each other . And then they looked at the others and on everyone’s face was the same expression : fear . Deep , painful , killing fear . Ten people disappeared without a trace .
Sara and Greg went together at a family , Carters . The knocked at the door . A young woman opened .
“Hello ! Mrs. Carter , we are from the crime lab , we are here to ask you some questions about the sudden disappearing of your husband . May we come in ?”
“Sure … enter ” she was crying , hot tears were rolling down her cheeks .
“Okay . When you last seen Peter ?“
“Three days ago ” she pulled her knees to her chest and hugged them . “He was supposed to go to work , but” she wiped away her tears “his colleagues told me he never showed up … no one has seen him since he left … that night …” and she told them all the story about how he found out t6hat her husband disappeared .
“Okay , Mrs. Carter . We won’t keep you awake longer . Just tell us if Peter had any enemies ?” Greg asked .
“No … he’s a good guy …everybody loves him … he has no enemies ”
“Okay , we’ll leave now . If you remember anything at all that could help us … ” Greg handed her a card “call us , alright ?”
“Okay … I hope you’ll find Pete … or at least his body …” the poor woman whispered .
“Hello , Mr. Porter . I’m a from the crime lab . I came to talk to you about your wife ”
“Enter” the man said to Nick .
“So , Mr. Porter …”
“Call me Liam ”
“Okay , Liam , when did you last see Selma ?”
“Yesterday … we went out for a dinner , at Beanie’s and she said she forgot her keys in the car . She went out to take it , I … waited for her almost half an hour … I went to see what she was doing … I only found her purse on the ground next to the car”
“Johnny said he was going out with his girlfriend” one of the victim’s mothers said to Catherine “But they didn’t come home that night … ” the poor mother was crying . The girl’s parents were also there .”We waited for them to came back … we checked hotels and everything .,.. someone found his car … nothing more … nothing more from my baby !”
“She was just 17 years old ! She didn’t hurt nobody ! She vanished from her school . She didn’t ran away or so , she was happy with us here . I want my baby girl back”
“I only found his car … nothing else … just his car , abandoned outside the city . My brother …. I need to know what happened to my little brother , please find Chris , please !”

And so they interrogated all the persons whose friend or family members disappeared until that night . The cases apparently didn’t have nothing in common .Except they all vanished without a trace . They were from different parts on the city . They didn’t know each other except for the two students .
They had eleven victims :There were 5 girls and six boys missing . From different places . Different ages .
The thing was really scary . No one saw anything , no one heard anything .
There wasn’t any lead , not even a little print or the smallest drop of blood . Nothing ,zero , nada . Only the cars that had nothing to help them and the people that realized the guys were missing . This was one of the creepiest cases the CSI ever met and they were decided to find out what happened .

All of them loaded their weapons when they heard a slow moan coming from behind a tree . They knew the animal was injured and it was the easier for them to catch it .
They slowly approached the place the sound was heard . . They didn’t use flashlight , because the animal would have run . The beast heard them , but he just couldn’t move . He rose his face a little And looked at the man that was pointing a gun at him . He knew it was the end . In that bush something was curled and only the eyes were shining like two stars in the darkness . It was not that small , like a rabbit or something .
“We got him ! Kill the animal , George ! Kill it !” their tones were scary , the whole thing was creepy . The happiness in their eyes seeing the animal that was going to be shot .
The gun was approaching it . The hunter put the gun on it’s forehead and looked at him . The shooter smiled . The adrenaline that killing an animal gave was amazing . He felt more happy and more alive than he ever did in his life . All his blood gathered in his hands that were holding the gun . He felt the satisfaction .
He just watched and enjoyed the last moments of the animal’s life . He pressed the gun tighter and pulled the trigger . A load sound ripped the silence of the night and a couple of birds were flying scared . The gun left the barrel and embedded in the prey’s head . The animal fell to the floor with his big eyes opened . What eyes … almost human .
“Way to go , George ! ” one of them greeted him “you’re good , man ! We are proud of you , you’re a perfect member for our hunting club !”
“Yeah , I can’t wait tomorrow night to se what does Jim have in store for us …”
He put the light of the flashlight on the senseless body of their prey .But the view was … horrible . George hit the dead body with his foot
On the cold ground wasn’t an animal or a bird . There was the bloody body of a thirty-year old male , that had a bullet hole in his head . His shirt was cut all over , his jeans were soaked with still warm blood and his innocent eyes were staring at the darkness .
The prey was a human being .

Well , please tell me what do you think . Is my first dark fic and I really want to hear what do you think , so please read and review .
It's definately creepy. Like a story I had to read in school, The Most Dangerous Game.

I do hope you continue.
Thanks MacsGirlMel for reviewing , you rock !!!

From bad to worse

They had eleven victims :
1) missing for five days : Johnny Seal - 20 years old- he was a student at Las Vegas University . He was the son of a judges and a postal worker . There was nothing special at this guy . He has blue eyes , blond hair . 1,80 meters tall . 150 pounds . He wasn’t carrying a precious thing at him or anything . When he vanished he was dressed in a blue pair of jeans and a snow white T-shirt . He had blue Nike shoes and his cell phone .
2) missing for five days : Chandra Wells - 20 years old, those two left to a party And never arrived home . She had dark brown hair , green eyes , she was about 1,72 meters tall . 120 pounds . She was wearing a pink dress , white shoes . Her parents remembered she took a white purse . She had a pink scarf as well . A lot of details … their parents didn’t really agreed with their relationship . First they thought they just ran away to be just them to somewhere , but finding their car … that was a big shock for all four parents .
So they first took a couple … Greg thought looking at the evidences . Interesting , why they took a couple ? Yeah , probably they needed to take both because the kids saw their faces . That wasn’t helpful .
Everybody was sure they were some serial kidnappers . But there was only one thing : why the hell they kidnapped the kids , because they weren’t rich or anything . Probably Chandra and Johnny weren’t the first . Greg decided to check for other missing guys . He had a suspicion .

3) missing for four days : Amelia Johnson -17 years old -, a girl that vanished from her school . Parents reported her disappearance . She was another victim . A very good student , big grades . Smart kid . She had black hair , big black eyes . She was about 1,60 meters tall . 100 pounds . Neither this girl was rich or something . But she was pretty . She was wearing a black T-shirt with Metallica , and black pants . Black snickers . She had a black (the girl was crazy about black) bag .

Greg’s first suspicion was that the killers liked young kids , but the ages of the next victims showed him he was wrong .

4) missing for four days : Claire Donaldson -25 years old- a shop’s parking lot . Friend reported her disappearance . This girl worked at the shop , she was a seller . Not a rich girl , probably poor . Her friend said that she was going to take some cigarettes from the car but she never returned . Her buddy went to see what happened and she only found the car , untouched .Blue eyes , black hair . 1,74 meters . 110 pounds . She was dressed in a blue shirt , white pants . White shoes . Her friend said she was wearing a big golden broche .
5) missing for four days : Andrew Vanois -27 years old- a painter , from the bathroom of his exposition . Friend reported his disappearance . He went to wash his hands and when they entered the bathroom to see what was going to , they didn’t find . And no one saw him stepping out of there . 1,85 meters . 170 pounds . Brown eyes . Light brown hair . The guy was dressed in a black tuxedo , black shoes .
The situation was hopeless . There was no connection between them . Not even the smallest bond , nothing . One teen , 4 young people . One painter , one shop seller , two college students and one high-school student . They didn’t know each other . But there has to be something … Greg suspected that something actually was linking the vics . But he didn’t know what … yet . Seeing the way they acted , there was impossible to just choose at random . It was more than that .

6) missing for four days : Christian Gale -30 years old- on the highway . Car was founds , no witnesses. Sister reported his disappearance . His sister came from the city on the highway just to see her brother’s abandoned car . She got scared , she thought he had an accident or such , but in fact she didn’t find anything at all . Except for the Ford that was not hit . He was 1,88 meters tall , 158 pounds . Green eyes , very light brown hair . His sister didn’t remember his clothing , but she knew he was always wearing a silver necklace with a little heart .
7) missing for two days : Michael Moore -40 years old- firefighter . He never showed up at work . Son reported his disappearance . Her son received a phone call from his father’s co=workers asking if he wax okay . He said his father left for work two hours before , but the fire-fighters said that Mr. Michael never arrived there . He freaked out and called the police . He was wearing the ordinary fir-fighter suit . He was about 1,90 meters tall , 170 pounds . Blue eyes , blond hair .
:cool: missing for two days : Ken Calaveras -32 years old- vanished from work he went into the archive and never stepped out . Co-workers reported his disappearance . He was an attorney . He went to take some files from an old case and no one saw him since that moment . He was wearing a grey suit with black shoes . Black hair and eyes . 1,81 meters tall . He never stepped out from the archive .
9) missing for two days : Alma Ruiz -29 years old- in the way to yoga classes .She was an actress . Lover reported her disappearance . Her fiancé waited her for ten hours to return . He tried to call her several times But he never received an answer . He went to the yoga class to talk to her coach , but he said he never seen her that day . Frightened , he went to the police station where Brass took his statement . Alma was 1,69 meters tall , she had about 96 pounds . Blue eyes , dark brown hair . Wearing a short black skirt and a white top . A diamond ring on her left hand .
10) missing in the last 24 hours : Selma Porter -26 years old- Beanie’s parking lot . Husband reported her disappearance . They went there for a nice diner but the girl forgot something in the car . She left to take it and her husband waited more than half an hour before he went to see what was going on . He only found the car . Green eyes , black hair . Red dress red shoes . 1,70 meters tall , 100 pounds .
11) missing in the last 24 hours : Jack Candle -15 years old - from the school . Friends reported his disappearance . The last victim . His friends waited for him in front of the school but he never appeared . . Nobody seen him since that moment . !,75 meters tall , 130 pounds . Snickers , blue jeans and white T-shirt .

Hell , the last one was just a kid … Greg thought . It was becoming creepy . People were warned to take really care about this things .Their invisible kidnappers were very good . If they took someone from a bathroom and no one noticed .
Greg was very scared and also decided to find out what happened with those people . Why they were kidnapped , who kidnapped them and were they still alive ? Some questions he had to find answer to . It was the most scary case in his career . Normal people being taken , disappeared like they never existed . No trace , not even a little drop of spit . Greg thought he met the perfect killers … but when he was the enemy of those killers … well , at how angry he was , those guys better beware . He was going to catch them no matter what . And no one was better than him at this .
All the team was working hard to find the guys that did that . Sara , Nick , Warrick were reprocessing the scenes , Catherine and Grissom were helping Greg with searching links between the victims .
Brass entered the room Greg was in with a scared look on his face . He was shaking terribly and looked at the young CSI that sat on the chair and watched his every move . The police captain was mad . Like never before . He poured himself a coup of coffee and waited until Greg would gather all the team , which he did with a big speed . Catherine , Warrick , Nick and Grissom were watching Brass with a curious look on his face .
“Something happened , Jim ?” Catherine asked , fear starting to haunt her heart as well . Things were going from bad to worse . They not only had eleven kidnap victims , one of them was dead .
“Things …” the police officer breathed “we found a body … in the desert”
“A body ? We already have a lot of cases …”
“The body belonged to Christian Gale ”
The words hit every CSI hard … one of their kidnap victims was already dead ?
“Okay , Sara , Greg you go to process the body . Catherine , you process again what we have here at the lab . ”
“And what are you going to do ?”
“Tell Ms. Gale her brother is dead . Now let’s go to work , guys , we have to find the other ten victims alive and stop them from taking other people !” Grissom’s voice encouraged them .
Three men with guns entered a little dark room . They saw ten guys curled into a corner and approached them . In the darkness of the room it was only the light coming from the hallway only showed the glittering of their eyes . Scared eyes , looking at the guys that entered . Like some animals kept in a cage . Those were the victims that had mysteriously vanished from the town . The people so many families were crying for and the CSIs were searching . They didn’t have anything more than just hope , hope that someone will help them get out . They were taking care of , I mean they had food to eat and water to drink , but they weren’t safe .
In one corner a woman and a man were hugging each other , tightly and had there eyes closed . It was easy to se the woman was wearing a pink dress . The boy was wearing a pair of Nike shoes . He wrapped his arms around her to keep her warm . He slowly caressed her face to calm the sobbing girls in his arms . They were like 20 years old .
“We came to tell you that the show will go on ” one of the guys said “tonight . You have more than three hours to say goodbye to each other – you won’t know who’ll be the person we choose . ”
“What do you want ? What have we done to you ?” a man that was about 40 years old yelled .
“You people are funny . Hunting is a wonderful; way to relax … and you are our hunt . Now you understand ?” the guy laughed “you are here for our fun …”
“Where is the guy you took earlier ? You … you killed him ?” a woman about 30 years old asked “you killed him ?”
“Well … he died easily . Hew didn’t suffered … that much ” he answered the girl with a laughter that made her blood run cold . That thing wasn’t a human , it was a beast , a devil. Only devils have that laughter … “I can’t wait for tonight … I think I’ll have a girl , you are so unpredictable , that’s why I like girls … to hunt them , of course !”
He stepped out of the room and he slammed the door ; the other two followed him . After locking the door they left the poor guys again alone in the darkness .
“Johnny … I’m scared … Johnny ” the girl started sobbing “what is he going to do to us … Johnny I wanna go home … I want my friends … my mom ”
“Chandra … listen to me : everything will be okay , you’ll escape from here , I promise , honey , just calm down , don’t cry !” he told her , but he made the only promise he couldn’t keep : probably none of them was going to leave that place alive . But they had to be strong . To face the enemy even if the situation was hopeless .
“Guys” the older man said “we have to stay together , okay ?” he patted the girl on the shoulder then he looked at the other men “guys we need to protect the girls” .
Two of them nodded . That moment there five women and five men . Okay , one kid and four men . Against those men , that were at least six , and they had guns . They only had themselves , they couldn’t win in a fight against them .
“By the way ” one of the girls said “I am Alma”
“I am Johnny and she is Chandra” the guy who was hugging his girlfriend said .
“I’m Amelia” a girl voice spoke “I’m scared ”
The woman called Alma went to hug the trembling teenager .
“I’m Andrew ”
“Michael “
“Selma ”
“And you kid ?” Michael asked “what’s your name ?”
“J-j-jack … ”
“How old are you , Jack ?” Michael saw in this kid his own and swore to protect him .The boy was so innocent , like everybody in that room actually .
“15 …” everybody in the room shivered hearing what he just said “I’m fifteen and I don’t want to die yet !”
“Calm down sweetie !” Alma hugged him . The girl was brave and she was a fighter . She was trying hard to keep everybody calm . She almost succeeded . Because she was perfectly good at hiding her feelings . All of them thought she wasn’t scared at all , but she was an actress , very good at making people think what she wanted them to think .
“I’m scared … they killed that guy … ” Amelia whispered “and they are going to do the same thing with us ! I want all this to be just a nightmare ! I wanna wake up home in my bed and tell everybody what scary dream I had !” She put her face in her hands and started to cry “probably you think I’m a coward … but I wanna live , I want to live and see my parents again … I even want school , anything but this … ”
“Me too …” Jack replied “mom is worried about me . Probably police is searching for us!” he started sobbing on his knees “she’s always worried when I don’t arrive at home in time !” he took a deep breath , understanding that the others were doing the same thing to calm down and whispered , trying to change their mood or maybe just to help himself think at something different “I really wished when I left to go home that something would happen and make me arrive home very late” tears of fear were falling on the floor “I took an F and I didn’t want mom to yell at me …but now I just want to go home earlier “
“Yeah , kiddo , they are looking for us because we were taken almost five days ago” Johnny talked “and there is no way in hell that my parents wouldn’t have reported our disappearance ” he kissed his girlfriend’s forehead “and they will arrive , arrest the bad guys and we will return to our families ”
“I hope so … I really hope so ” Jack whispered . Their situation was desperate . Those guys really wanted to kill someone else that day and they didn’t even know who the next victim might be . They were all waiting that a guy would enter , grab him and kill him . All of them had this fear deep inside him .
Greg and Sara arrived at their scene . The guy was half buried in the sand and they saw lots of wounds ; gun shot wounds actually . They saw a lot of blood on his shirt . The victims really was Christian Gale . Sara was taking samples from the sand that surrounded the body and Greg started taking photos of the scene .
Greg saw some shoe prints and took them , then approximately 200 meters from the body were some tire tracks . David was showing Sara the body .
“I see we have a deadly wound to the head – he’d been shot with a rifle I think . He’s been dead for less than 24 hours . But if you look better , he has another gun shot wound in the arm , a lot of scratches and cuts on his hands” he showed them the bloody hand ” face . ” he turned the head to the right and pointed to the injuries .
“What the hell happened to this guy ?”
“I don’t have an idea … but maybe autopsy will show us more , until then this is all I know about him . ”
Greg walked to them and saw from Sara’s eyes there was nothing more to process .
”I think this will help us : I found some shoe prints and tire tracks . And …” he pointed to some traces “I bet the body was dragged from where a car stopped all the way here and buried like they wanted someone to see it ! ”
“Yeah , you may be right . So , David , take the body to the lab for autopsy . Greg , let’s
go and process this stuff ”
Hey , hope you liked it !
Please read and review !
I will not be able to update the next seven days because I’ll leave for a trip , but I promise you an extra long chapter !
The second death

“Ms. Gale ?” Grissom asked the young woman that was waiting in his office “hello” . It was very hard to tell this woman that her twin was dead . He scratched his head , took the deepest breath of his life and thought at the words he could say to her .
“Mr. Grissom” she smiled “good morning” she was intrigued about the fact he didn’t smile at all , he was only staring with a guilty look in her sea green eyes . It was possible that he’d give her bad news ?
“Ms. Gale , please take a seat ” Grissom started .
“Of course . Something wrong ?”
“I called you here about Christian , your brother ”
“You found him ?” in the woman’s voice was hope and Grissom regretted he had to broke it’s wings . They found him … maybe he’s okay … I can see in his eyes they found him . But why is he sad ? Is he sick ?
“Yeah , but …”
“Can I see him ? Is he okay ? Why don’t you answer to me ?”
“Ms. Gale …”
“Oh God , don’t tell me …” no , Chris ! he can’t be dead , right ? hew can’t be … no no no !
“I am so sorry … we only found your brother’s dead body . ”
She fell to her knees . Christian was dead … it wasn’t possible . Grissom looked at the young and his ,mind froze when he thought that there was a possibility to tell the other
families the same thing about their friends .

Doc Robbins just started the autopsy on the body . He was scared of what he found on the young man’s corpse : scratches all over like David said , but he had the gun shot wound to his head that for Doc looked like an execution . The bullet penetrated the front of his skull , it entered easily through his brain and embedded himself in the back of head . It didn’t bleed too much , but killed him instantly . Then he found another bullet , that one was shot from a long distance . It entered through his stern and punctured his lung . After seeing the blood in guy’s mouth he suspected this was the cause . Then he saw that the bullet shattered a rib also . On his shoulder was another wound that hardly stopped bleeding . It only grazed it , but it was made with the same type of gun as the others . He saw the guy lost very much blood , but not blood lust was the cause of death . But if he wouldn’t have been shot in the head , Doc was sure that would’ve killed him . And on his body were many other wounds like that one.
He sent the two bullets at the lab for analyze . Meanwhile , he processed the body ; the scratches . They were strange . Some looked like rubbings on a hard stone . There were a couple of marks on his feet. Interesting .
After he finished he stepped out of the room . He wanted to talk tom Grissom about the body . He had interesting news to tell to him .
“Gil “ he entered the office “you okay ?” he asked the Supervisor who was looking at the ceiling .
“Of course . I was just thinking about all these kidnappings … sorry” he smiled and looked at his old friend “what have we got ?”
“Well , Gil , this may be the weirdest case in my career , you know ? ” he said “I’ve never seen things like this … it’s really scary ”
“Why ? ”
“Gil” he showed him some photos “have you ever seen something like that ?”
The boss looked in amazement . The guy looked like a target practice . At least fifteen bullet holes in his body . The hole in his head was the weirdest .
“This looks like …”
“An execution , I know . And this scratches , like he rubbed his skin on something hard , even a tree . We also have those wounds to his feet … Gil , this guy ran a lot , those wounds show us that . ” he looked at Grissom “this guy was tortured , this in the only explanation . And it wasn’t an easy torture “
“Alma ” Jack whispered “are you okay ?”
“I’m fine kiddo , why do you ask ?” she was trembling , but she kept her mind strong .
“You’re shaking ”
“It’s just cold in here , that’s all ” she answered to encourage him not to give up . She had a suspicion she didn’t want to think about , but inside her heart she was almost sure . And she saw those guys were sick . A normal healthy human being would never take and torture one of his own . She was so glad she knew how to dissimulate . Otherwise … she wouldn’t have remained sane three days . All of them were good at not showing their real feelings , they only had some moments when they couldn’t hold on anymore . But after they released the negative energy , things were back to normal . The dark normal . Anyway , while she was holding the little boy in her arms realized her eyes really got used with darkness and she could see the people in the room . She felt sorry for Johnny and Chandra … the poor kids had been trapped in there for more than six days .
In that moment the door opened and a big ball of light entered . Even if their eyes hurt from the sudden burst of light , they could hear what the thuds
They saw two guys coming in and they started to yell in despair . Jack was trembling , Johnny and Chandra held each other more tightly than ever . Claire took Amelia in her arms and positioned herself in front of the teenager .
Michael , Ken and Andrew were protecting them , like a barrier in front of them . They had to take care of the girls with the price of their lives ; that was the most important task they had to accomplish . But the kidnappers were thinking at something else , they wanted to take someone to ‘have fun’ with .
“Hey , guys , hope you’re feeling comfortable !” one of them , the one with devilish laughter said “now I need someone … volunteering ?” he looked at the frightened people in the room
“Leave us alone ! What do you want ?” Claire rose to her feet .
.”Well , I guess we have a winner ” he smiled “take her guys , she’s just perfect …” he watched them every move , like he was making a big choice “you , Miss ! Move !” he pointed at Claire .
She was looking at the guy and roe to her feet .
“Alma … please , if you’ll survive and you will meet him , tell Gareth I love him and I’ll never forget him !” she knew that resistance was futile .
“I promise , Claire … it was nice to meet you ! Now be strong !” tears were falling down Alma’s cheek .
“What heartbreaking ! ” the guy mimed “now move your ass in here !” he grabbed her hand forcefully and threw her roughly out of the room .
“Leave her alone !” Jack jumped and bitted the hand of the man , but a powerful fist in his face sent him back from the place he came from .
Selma caught him in her arms so he won’t hit head . He was struggling to escape from her hold , but she was strong and he was a kid . The criminal only laughed looking at Jack desperate trying to save Claire , even if he knew he couldn’t do a thing to save take her from three gunned men .
“Don’t you try again stuff like this with me because I’ll kill you like some bugs ! You’re idiot , ” he laughed again , that devil laughter ”the only reason I will not kill you right now it’s that we already have a victim !”
They closed the door and left . Again .
“She was sweet … they … they will kill her , Michael ? ” Jack looked at the guys that remained with him in the room “they are going to kill Ms. Claire ?”
“I think so ..” Alma answered “she was a good girl … ”
“Johnny ! I want to get out ! I want home , to see mom ! ” Chandra kicked the door in desperation “I want out … I want home !”
“Chandra ! ” her boyfriend jumped and shook her “don’t lose it ! Chandra , don’t lose your calm ! don’t lose your hope ! This is all we have left , we need to remain sane , okay ?” he hugged her “for God’s sake , just be calm honey , it’ll be over …” he caressed her face and she touched his hand “We are not going to die !”
After that it was all quiet . All of them were thinking at poor Claire …
“Chandra , Johnny , you were the first person that arrived here ?”
“Yes … we were walking to our car and I don’t know what happened , I don’t remember a thing …we just woke up here , in this room . Six days ago . ”
“Poor you … after that I arrived , then Claire” she started crying and wiped her tears with her sleeve “then the guy who … died first was brought ” .
“After that I came , then Michael , Ken , Alma , Selma and Jack . ” Andrew spoke .
“Yeah . And none of us remembers how she or he arrived here . But where the hell are we ?”
“I don’t have any idea … in a basement I think ” this made them all laugh “and this is a house … well , we are not in the desert , that’s for sure . ”
“Aha … but where can we be ? I mean , this is a house after all ”
The guys pulled Claire out of the house . Throwing her on the hard rough ground , she hurt her hand and they just laughed seeing her blood drooping from the wound on the dust . She tried to stop the blood that was coming from her injured hand . She tried to help herself and only made the haunters laugh harder .
“Miss , stand up !” she did what she was told and woke up with ten men with guns in front of her . “You will be our prey . We will hunt you until we will kill you !”
“What ?” she was shaking .
“We give you a start of 10 minutes ” She looked at them with widened eyes “what don’t you understand ? Start running and hide in there ”
She watched the men that were looking at her . There were about ten guys , dressed like hunters . They had some riffles or shotguns in their hands .
Bobby Dawson saw Nick on the hallway and yelled at him . Nick was so concentrated on the file he was reading that didn’t hear . He yelled again , but received no answer , so he ran to him . When Bobby touched his shoulder he jumped .
“Nick …”
“Bobby … you scared me ”
“Sorry for that . I analyzed the bullets Doc sent me and found some interesting stuff : first , the gun they shot the guy is a Mini 14 Target Riffle ”

She thought a second at what she heard and started running like she was possessed . She saw the woods in front and decided to find a tree to climb in and there she would be safe . So that was what she thought . That the forest will be her friend , so she entered the endless darkness of the woods without knowing that she may never get out . She ran , she stumbled and fell on her injured hand . But she didn’t care , she wanted to escape . To be free again .
Why those bastards kidnapped her ? She didn’t do anything to anyone . She was just an ordinary girl that was working in a big shop . Just that … a simple girl . She wasn’t rich , she wasn’t even that pretty . Why those guys wanted her ?
She looked around to see a good place for hiding , but there was none . She put her hand on the heart because it was beating so fast that she thought it was going to jump out of her chest . There was silence . She could hear the creepy songs some night birds were making . One of the birds a couple of meters behind her ran away and then she heard a gunshot .
And she felt so dirty … she was thinking her bath tub at home . To have a bath with millions of bubbles , with strawberry flavor . To drink a glass of champagne while she was feeling the hot water and the soft mousse touching her body . What a sensation . She opened suddenly her eyes and looked at the trees around them . There was dark . She was only dreaming about the bath … a stupid dream . It was dark and she was dirty . It was wet and she didn’t like it.
She heard steps … the hunters . She lost her time thinking at meaningless stuff and never searched for a place where to hide from them . She looked like she was lost and she didn’t see a thing . Black darkness .. Some night birds flew over her head and scared the shit out of her . She remembered what her father thought her : when she couldn’t see , she must use her other senses . So she did .
Then , she realized there was a tree a tree that she could climb in . It was a good news .
“This way , guys ! I can feel her scent !” they were close and it was impossible for her to climb in that tree without being seen .
She walked quietly , so she soon went behind them and there she started running . She was lucky , but for a short time . One of the hunters saw the girl and motioned to the others . They started to run after Claire . The young woman had superhuman strength , or maybe the fear was giving her this power . She never stopped running for more than fifteen minutes and lost her attackers . She fell to here knees behind a tree and breathed . She never ran like that in her entire life .
Probably God was helping her to escape . She smiled , she had a friend . At least something or someone that was trying to help her . She rose to her feet and the chase began again . This time , she saw there was a fence outside the forest . If he would have made it , it was easy to jump over that . She heard gun shots . But then she felt something cold hitting her in the side . When she looked her shirt red ; she had been shot , but her superhuman strength was helping her not to give up .
She saw the fence was closer ; she used all her powers to arrive there She was there , almost there . She just needed to jump over that fence . When she almost touched it , a dog appeared in front of her and almost bit her by the hand . She jumped a few feet away and saw the animal was tied up . But then wasn’t time for thinking so she changed the direction and returned in the forest . . Her feat were starting to cease . She was loosing a lot of blood ; she knew she wasn’t going to hold on longer . She was trembling and her body started to feel the pain . It was excruciating . It was killing her . It took all her strength to kneel in front of a tree.
She wax trying to breath , but everything seemed impossible at that time . Breathing also . The pain was increasing . She tried to sit up , but she couldn’t . She knew that was the end , the end of her beautiful life . But , like a wild animal , she was trying to escape . Her trap was the impossibility to move . She was hearing the thuds , they were coming to kill her like they did to Christian . And she was so scared … she wished they would not torture her , at least they’ll kill her quickly , with a bullet in her chest . Or head . She changed so much ; minutes before she the only thing she wanted was to survive and now she wanted to die . But at how horrid the pain was , no one could blame her .
“Here it is !” one of the men said . “you beast , you really thought you were going to escape after all you did to us ? ” he kicked her in her ribs with his foot . “Now I caught you and I need my prize ! ”
He pulled her up by her hair . She had beautiful black hair . And now the hair was her enemy . They laughed while they watched her struggling in the hands of the hunter . He slammed her head in the tree . Blood was oozing from her forehead like a fountain .
“Let’s finish this …” the guy said , pulling out his gun . He pushed her face down on the ground and placed the barrel on her head . And he pulled the trigger . A loud bang was heard , powerful enough to let the people in the basement understand what just happened.

Sorry for the long waiting !!! You'll forgive me , right ???
The strange leaf

Greg was studying the list with the people . He received the results of the bullet: the gun was a Ruger Mini-14 Target Rifles He heard Brass’s voice :

“We found another victim !” his blood ran cold . It wasn’t’ possible , not so soon . He didn’t even had time to process the scene that good . In his mind , thoughts about Jack the ripper appeared . He didn’t know why , but this guy or guys made him think at the famous serial killer .

“Greg , Sara and I are going at the scene you stay here “Grissom told him ”okay ? We need to hurry !” he yelled at Sara who was taking her field kit from the room .

“Sure boss … who’s the vic ?” he was so curious who had been killed next .

“Claire Donaldson ” . He remembered reading about the girl . She was a 25 year-old worker . An innocent .

“Yeah , okay , go to process it !”

“Sure . Good luck . By the way , Warrick is at the first scene . Nick is in a break . But you have to work together . ” he waved at Greg before going with Sara .


The body of the poor young lady was dumped in a parking lot . She was so young … poor girl . Sara felt her eyes tearing looking at the small body of the poor girl who probably only was a victim of this psychotic game . Because it was exactly like a criminal game . The way the bodies looked like . She thought in the first place that Christian Gale had been tortured or such . And now seeing Claire’s body messed up all her minds . Claire , had , like Christian , a lot of cuts and scratches all over her body . Something that seem a gunshot wound on her right side . After removing the shirt , Sara saw clearly the place the bullet entered her body . It probably hit her from a distance . What happened to that girl ? What sick twisted mind brought the poor young woman in such a shape . Her clothes torn , her body hurt so badly ; she just hoped it wasn’t a human who did that . How can exist out there a person who wants to inflict so much pain into a girl ? Into a person like he or she was … she’d seen tortured people , she’d actually seen a lot ; horrific crimes , sadistic murders , but never a thing like this . It was so painful to even look at her . Sara was feeling a little dizzy . Probably the view in front of her was doing that . Making her feel that way . She took a deep breath before kneeling in front of the body .

“So , there will be another nine deaths ?” she asked Grissom and herself at the same time . “They’ll kill the other nine too ? ” she bit her lower lip in anger “what can stop those bastards ? ” she said after taking a break from talking . She put the samples in the car and there wasn’t any difference between the first and the second murder . She was furious knowing that it was possible they’ll just process another bodies of innocent people soon .

“So … what do you think ?” she asked Grissom , wanting to hear an answer from him because he had been quiet all the time . He looked scared and curious also ; it was like he knew something he wanted to keep secret from everyone . She knew him way too well ; there was nothing he could hide from her . He looked at the corpse and she followed him with her eyes . There he saw something on the body . He took it as a sample .

“So you weren’t paying attention to me , huh ?” she asked .

“Ah … sorry . What were you saying ?”

“Nothing important . The interesting fact is what you found . What’s that ?”

“This is a leaf from a tree that is only found in forests , but it’s very rare . I think that if I see a tre like this one in Vegas , it’ll be a miracle . And some fir leafs ! “he said “but I’ll have the specialists work on it . It may give us a clue . What did you find ?”

“Well , not more differences from the other victim . She also full of injuries , and gun shot wound to her torso and the execution type in the head . I’m guessing this must be the same weapon . Henry found it … a hunting riffle . ”

Sara and Grissom looked at each other , realizing what they just discovered . The reason their victims had suffered so much wasn’t from an ordinary torture … some used them for hunting . They were preys to some sick minds who needed to be stopped . Sara closed her eyes and made a sign that they finished processing the body . They climbed in their cars and went straight to the lab to tell everyone about what they found . It was going to be probably a major hit and deep in their minds they were hoping this will lead soon to the killers .


Greg’s work was hopeless . He was hoping that he’ll find that little thing that linked his victims ; but he was so tired and his eyes just didn’t want to stay open . He took another sip of his coffee , the fourth one that day and he sat down on a chair in the break room . He felt his eyes dropping and he couldn’t resist . He placed his head on the table , on his hands and he closed his eyes . In a moment he fell asleep .

Nick and Warrick entered the room and saw Greg . He didn’t hear their voices . He was in a deep sleep , ands looked like nothing could wake him up . They smiled , feeling the same as Greg felt . Tired and useless . They took some chairs and stepped out of there , letting him rest.


Grissom entered his office in a hurry and yelled to all the teram to gather in the break room . All the noise woke up Greg and he sat up on the couch . Nick smiled when he saw him .

“Feeling better ?”

“Not tired anymore . That’s good .”

Grissom was like running . He threw the files on the table and looked up at the whole team . They were waiting for news . Sara entered seconds after him , looking as strange as Grissom .

“You found something ? ”

“Yeah , I think our victims were hunted and killed ”

“Hunted as in ‘hunted like some animals’ you mean ?” Greg asked dazed .

“Yeah , didn’t you figure by yourself ? Our vics were shot by riffles for professional hunters . And this is our explanation . ”

“Good … that means we have clues . Now , what are we going to do ? ” the youngest CSI asked again . He wanted to find those killed sooner . To put away the bastards forever .

Grissom didn’t answer . He pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number after stepping out of the room . He talked for a couple of minutes with someone and he looked more hopeful when he came in .

“So , who did you call ?” Catherine asked

“Help . One of my best friends is coming to help us with this case . We will have more chances to find the remaining victims working with those guys ”

“What guys ?” the curious ex lab tech wanted to know .

“FBI ”

“FBI ? This is just wonderful ! I can’t wait to meet real FBI agents ”

Jason Gideon entered Aaron Hotchner’s office and closed the door behind him . He was serious and had a pretty scared look on his face .

“What’s wrong Gideon , something happened , are you okay ?”

“Wr have a serial killer in Las Vegas . An old friend called me and asked for the help of our team . ”

“What’s the case about ?”

“Eleven people kidnapped and the CSIs found two of them . ” he breathed “dead . They need our help ASAP . ?”

After discussing to Hotchner and explaining the case to him , Hotchner agreed to take it.

“Guys !” he yelled to his other agents Emily Prentiss , Derek Morgan , Jennifer JJ Jareau and Dr. Spencer Reid . “I want to go and pack things for a week we’re leaving , we have a serial killer .”

“And where are we going ?” Reid asked .

“Las Vegas , Nevada .”

“Really ? ”

“Yeah , I’ll meet ya at the plane in let’s say … three hours . Go and pack . If you’re late you stay here . And Morgan tell Garcia to do the same .”

“’Kay Hotch”


-in the plane-

“So what do e know about the unsub ?”

“Not too much … we’ll find out more in Vegas . We know it’s more than one and that they kidnap human beings to use them as prey . Nothing more .”

“Man … those killers won’t ever stop ?” Morgan said angrily .;

“I dunno … but until them we are here to stop them , so team , be ready for whatever this town has in store for us . ”


After they were off the place they were taken to their rooms and from there to the crime lab .

“Grissom !” Gideon yelled to his friend “how ya doing ?”

They shook hands and Grissom led them to the room everyone was working on the case . Greg was studying the crime scene photos , Nick was looking over the photos of the vics personal objects and cars . Sara and Catherine were looking at the samples through their microscopes . Warrick was not there but came a moment after that .

“So , we should know each other ” Grissom suggested . “Let’s start . My team : Greg Sanders , Sara Sidle , Warrick Brown , Nick Stokes , Catherine Willows and Gil Grissom .”

“And mine : Jennifer Jareau , Derek Morgan , Dr. Spencer Reid ” everybody looked at him when they heard his name and he blushed “Jason Gideon , Penelope Garcia , Emily Prentiss and Aaron Hotchner ” .

“Okay , so now we know each other , the case .” Gideon spoke . “You said you have eleven victims , two of them dead ”

“Right . So , we need to find a link between the victims . Greg is working on it ”

“Reid , I think you should help him .”

“’Kay Hotch . ”

“So , we found out after analyzing all the evidence from our second crime scene that the crime scene is somewhere in a forest . And the bullets that killed and injured our guys were from some Riffles . ” Nick said .

“Okay , so we have a lot of things . But you know this are not some typical serial killers . ” Gideon replied.

“I know … but they are still serial killers . “ Warrick finished .

“Okay , how were the vics kidnapped ?”

“Here’s the file “ Grissom handed it to Hotch . “you read it and find out what we are missing . We are feeling overwhelmed by the situation . it’s creepy ”

Reid took the file from him and started reading it . All CSI team looked in amazement at the agent who finished the report in about seven minutes .”nothing very interesting ” he said . “no one saw anything , no one knows anything . ”

“You … you actually read that ?” Greg was still shocked .

“Yeah , he’s a genius . Don’t ask more ” Morgan silenced him .

“Whoa !”

“And we need to split up in order to work faster . ” Grissom said “Sara and Catherine , you analyze the possible scenes ”

“Morgan , you with them ”

“Of course ” he smiled and got up from the chair he was sitting on .

“ Warrick you help Agent Hotcher with the profiles . ”

“And some of us should probably go and talk to the families and search for the witnesses that might have seen something , maybe around the cars … ”

“Emily and I should do that . ”

“And I’ll help you Gideon ”

“Okay . Things are settled up so let’s get going guys . ”

“And what about me ?” Garcia said “you didn’t give me anything to do ”

“Well , there is here any A/V lab ?”

“Yeah” Greg said “there” he pointed to the room Archie was playing on the computer .

“Okay , I’ll go”

“Good luck everyone !“

Greg looked at Reid who remained with him in the room .

“So , what age are you ? ” he asked the profiler

“If I tell you , you promise to shut up and concentrate on the case ?”


“I’m 25 , now please shut up and let me think ”

Reid took another file about from the desk and read it . Something was strange . Why those victims ? Why a 15 year old kid ? Why the young couple ? What had those eleven humans in common ? He began to think at it and so did Greg . It was hard , but not the hardest case Agent Reid ever had … there was something strange about the killers . About the way they made the people vanish in a moment … definitely something weird . You cannot make a human body disappear in seconds … and without witness .


Hotchner and Warrick were arranging the photos and after reading the coroner’s report , Hotch said something :

“They didn’t even give them water or food . You see ? The stomachs were empty … they wanted to slow them down , to male them lose their powers before being hunted ? To make them an easier target ? “

“Too many questions , but no answers . ”

“What can I say is that we can’t make a profile yet . We don’t have a MO ”

“Right …”

Catherine and Sara were walking along the fence that surrounded the forest . They were followed by Morgan who was looking inside to see if they could see the private property was the scene of their crime .

“Man , this is infinite ! How long we are going to walk like this ?” Morgan said .

“Stop whining ! You … ahh !” Catherine yelled , startled by the barking of the on the other side of the fence “stupid dog ! ” she cursed .

“Cath , look up there , see that ? ” Sara pointed at a tree she saw not that far from the fence “you see it ?”

“See what ?” She looked around “what are you talking about ?”

“That tree ! You see it !”

“The pale green one ?”

“Yeah . Grissom found a leaf from that tree on vics body … ”

“Yeah , but you know we can’t get a warrant with a leaf . ”

“But this can be our crime scene , Cath ! We need to meet the guys at the lab , maybe they found new things . ”

“Yeah . “

“We should get back and try to obtain a warrant to search this property . I bet it’s hiding more than just rare trees ! ” she rose an eyebrow .


Okay , I’m sorry if this confuses you . I decided to make a crossover , the first one in my life because I love Criminal Minds . Hope you’ll like it . And sorry for letting you wait so much I’m really sorry for that .