Elsie said:
Alien_from_mars said:
Well, I dont mind what they do. If they do a CSI: London I hope it is English and not americanized
But it wouldn't be. And therein lies the problem.
I can buy the need to film in San Francisco, there are plenty of ways to work it, be it some kind of back story for Sara, or just for a convention (like when Warrick went to LA)...
, and given their previous crossovers, they could manage to go there are be working on a case and I'd buy that it's possible and even necessary. But London? Firstly I will be interested to see what premise they can come up with to make that believable? But then, to make it watchable and remotely realistic will be a huge challenge in my opinion. Sure, I'd still watch it, but I'll be hiding behind the cushions to do so...
Not that it's at all similar, but remember when they went to London in Friends?
:lol: Dreadful episodes if you ask me, but then at least CSI would do it without the likes of Richard Branson and the Duchess of York.
If they are just doing it for the sake of it, then I'd rather they didn't bother. I'll live happily in my CSI fandom without ever seeing them 'do' London.