CSI: London?

neoSephiroth said:
So, I know that Miami has filmed in Rio, that CSI has filmed in LA (Hollywood Brass), and now they are doing a SF episode? And possibly a London one? Oh, and NY has done New Jersey. I'd like to see a CSI: San Francisco episode, if not a series.

Have any other cities appeared in CSI?

Well, technically CSI films mostly in LA, so it's not really a change... :p
Elsie said:
Alien_from_mars said:
Well, I dont mind what they do. If they do a CSI: London I hope it is English and not americanized

But it wouldn't be. And therein lies the problem.

I can buy the need to film in San Francisco, there are plenty of ways to work it, be it some kind of back story for Sara, or just for a convention (like when Warrick went to LA)... ;), and given their previous crossovers, they could manage to go there are be working on a case and I'd buy that it's possible and even necessary. But London? Firstly I will be interested to see what premise they can come up with to make that believable? But then, to make it watchable and remotely realistic will be a huge challenge in my opinion. Sure, I'd still watch it, but I'll be hiding behind the cushions to do so...

Not that it's at all similar, but remember when they went to London in Friends? :eek: :lol: Dreadful episodes if you ask me, but then at least CSI would do it without the likes of Richard Branson and the Duchess of York. :p If they are just doing it for the sake of it, then I'd rather they didn't bother. I'll live happily in my CSI fandom without ever seeing them 'do' London.

Hmm well it might well be. I would love for them to come to london. Well I live in london- boy would i be a happy bunny. It would be interesting if they had a whole like mini series - ie lets say a serial killer leaves the shores of America- and heads for the shores of good old England. Of course the problem would be who would go?.

I'm thinking Mac- Grissom- good old Nick'n'Greg... Maybe even put Ryan in as well..
Ooh! I went to London last summer and LOVED it, so it would be awesome if they did a CSI: London. Then again, there are a lot of cool places they could set another CSI.
For now, though, I'm happy with the 3 we have.
If they don't do that, it might make for a really cool crossover episode...perhaps a crossover with all 3 teams? That would be wicked.
WolfeWhistle said:
Ooh! I went to London last summer and LOVED it, so it would be awesome if they did a CSI: London. Then again, there are a lot of cool places they could set another CSI.
For now, though, I'm happy with the 3 we have.
If they don't do that, it might make for a really cool crossover episode...perhaps a crossover with all 3 teams? That would be wicked.

Yeah london rocks big time... You can get mentally as well as physically lost there. London is for everyone young old gay straight white black and anything between. London is also home to aliens... plants and shrubs!!!! Everyone is welcomed to London.

Yeah i can see that or a mini series coming out of London. Maybe lets say an international terrorist with links to anyone of the global terror camps comes to London.... Then as an international anti war thingie people from Vegas go, with a few from New York and Miami.

For me it would have be be lead by Grissom who takes Nick and Greg along- because hmm well check my signature lol...
Mac and Danny from New york... Hmmm i have no idea from Miami 'cause I dont watch it...
I definitely agree with you saying that London being open to all sorts of people. It's a really diverse and interesting city, and there are lots of things that CSI could do there...

candygirl1uk said:
Yeah i can see that or a mini series coming out of London. Maybe lets say an international terrorist with links to anyone of the global terror camps comes to London.... Then as an international anti war thingie people from Vegas go, with a few from New York and Miami.

...like that. I could see a storyline along those lines. Something that requires that people from all 3 shows be there.