CSI: London?

CSI Files

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is looking to make some interesting choices over the next few seasons.

In season eight of CSI, the show will film on location in San Francisco. Executive producer <font color=yellow>Carol Mendelsohn</font> said that it is one of several experiments that the show will be trying. Another of them won't happen in season eight, but the show is looking to have it happen in season nine.

The CSI team flew across the pond a few years ago to look into the possibility of filming on location in London. "We met with Scotland Yard and pathologists and criminologists and found out how they actually conduct an investigation," Mendelsohn told Variety. Gil Grissom (<font color=yellow>William Petersen</font>), she said, is "a modern-day Sherlock Holmes."

<font color=yellow>Chuck Lorre</font>, the creator of Two and a Half Men, contacted Mendelsohn about another experiment for CSI. He suggested that the two shows switch writers. Mendelsohn said that they "might just do it."

The original article is from Variety.<center></center>
i hope this is true! i live in san francisco. it would be awesome to see the cast around town. maybe it'll involve sara since she's from san francisco. maybe a wedding?
I really hope its not a wedding lol. Sounds interesting though, bring on CSI: London. Sounds awesome.
Oh My God! Season 9? :eek: *parties*
If they are bloody coming to friggin' london, well that's where I'm gonna be. :lol: Seriously. I won't be able to contain myself if they're 3 hours away from me! Jeez. :eek:

Filming in SF? You know what that means guys? Back story. *parties again*

Um, I read the article, and are they actually suggesting CSI: London, or just filming in London, like they're doing in SF? Well either way it'll be awesome. :lol: *parties rather drunkenly*
Sounds like they're just talking about filming an episode of CSI on location in London. ;)
That sounds cool ;) I have no idea what storyline they are going to come up with for that, but it might be nice.
Oh. My. Gosh!!! London's like, a half hour drive from here! I would so swarm London if tehy came! Can you imagine? I could actually put my plan into action about kidnapping GE!!! *Mwah ha ha ha!* :lol:

But, it would be soooo weird watching them trying to solve a crime UK style, since we're quite a bit different to the US.

sounds very interesting...i enjoy the show but seeing them do something new would be great. i mean it must eventuallt get difficult to write good story lines when you are in season 8.
it would be great if they did film in london as it is only 3 hours from me and would love to watch them film so close.it would also be great if sara sidle survived and was there.me and all my mates will be there cant wait:lol: SAVE SARA SIDLE
Well, I dont mind what they do. If they do a CSI: London I hope it is English and not americanized (if you get me)
But even if they just film an episode over here, that would be neat! :D
Alien_from_mars said:
Well, I dont mind what they do. If they do a CSI: London I hope it is English and not americanized

But it wouldn't be. And therein lies the problem.

I can buy the need to film in San Francisco, there are plenty of ways to work it, be it some kind of back story for Sara, or just for a convention (like when Warrick went to LA)... ;), and given their previous crossovers, they could manage to go there are be working on a case and I'd buy that it's possible and even necessary. But London? Firstly I will be interested to see what premise they can come up with to make that believable? But then, to make it watchable and remotely realistic will be a huge challenge in my opinion. Sure, I'd still watch it, but I'll be hiding behind the cushions to do so...

Not that it's at all similar, but remember when they went to London in Friends? :eek: :lol: Dreadful episodes if you ask me, but then at least CSI would do it without the likes of Richard Branson and the Duchess of York. :p If they are just doing it for the sake of it, then I'd rather they didn't bother. I'll live happily in my CSI fandom without ever seeing them 'do' London.
I was just searching for this.. Did anyone else (i'm assuming someone in the UK must have) see the cast & crew interviews on FiveUS? I think they were interviewing Gary Sinise and asked him if he thought they would ever film in London, and he said he thought it would be an interesting thing to do (just an episode not a series)

I think I'd be with some of you guys heading to the capital for that one.. although how they'd write it in? (maybe it would be similar to the NY-Miami episode? A criminal fleeing oversees or something?
So, I know that Miami has filmed in Rio, that CSI has filmed in LA (Hollywood Brass), and now they are doing a SF episode? And possibly a London one? Oh, and NY has done New Jersey. I'd like to see a CSI: San Francisco episode, if not a series.

Have any other cities appeared in CSI?