CSI Icons #6: Showcase, Links and Requests


Addicted to Gutterville
Just a reminder, you don't have to be a mod to start a new thread. If you notice that one is full, feel free to start the new one ;)

Thread Rules (snagged from cofi):

[x] Do not post more than three icons at the same time. Some use dial up and when you post lots of images it's going to take a long time for them to download the page. However, you may post url links to the rest of the icons.

[x] Do not quote the icons because doing so uses up precious bandwidth. If you quote a post, please remove the image tags.

[x] If you have an icon journal, icon site, photobucket account, etc, feel free to share the link with us.

[x] If you're sharing your LJ icons, make sure you provide us with your LJ name so people can credit you.

[x] Similarly, if you're taking someone's icon, make sure you give credit where credit is due. You may do that in your bio or in your sig.

[x] You don't have to ask if you can use an icon. People post their icons for that reason alone - so you can use them.

To be able to use an icon, you need 50 posts.

previous thread

Have Fun!
How did I not notice the last thread was full? I'm so not very observant. haha. I'll have to make some new icons to christen this thread with. :)
Here's my entry for the 1x1 challenge with H_Miami_Fan.


And two of my more recent icons.


(special thanks to Smokey for the Greg cap and the chat that inspired it!)