CSI Icons #6: Showcase, Links and Requests

I remembered that I had two sara icons I made for LJ user pics but never got the courage to share it with jorja fans out here also I made one christmas icon last year. However I have limited LJ icon making skills oh well :)

here it is

Love all the Greg icons in here. :)

Would anyone be able to make an icon of Greg whacking those guys with the board in last night's episode? 100x100 please. I'd like to use it on livejournal. Thanks in advance. :)
Would anyone be able to make an icon of Greg whacking those guys with the board in last night's episode? 100x100 please. I'd like to use it on livejournal. Thanks in advance. :)

Here's my attempt. If the filesize is too big (or any other complaints/suggestions), let me know. My first animated icon!

Thanks, Raynn. I'll upload it to my LJ and see if the file size is okay. :)

ETA: Hmm... it didn't work. When I tried to upload it to LJ, it came up with a big blank white square that said "click and drag image where you want it and when the preview looks like you want it, click "create new user pic". But there was no image in that big white square, only a teeny tiny little black square. So I thought maybe that was the icon, so I tried to drag it, but it wouldn't move. I don't know what's going on. It's never come up like that before when I've uploaded an icon to LJ.
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I just posted more icons at my LJ. They are mostly CSI:LV, with some Battlestar Galactica, True Blood, Glee & various miscellaneous fandoms, including from the Misc. LIMS.



The link is here.