CSI Icons #5: Showcase, Links and Requests

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Great icons all! :)

Mine from the 1v1 challenge:

Enjoy! :)
Thanks Smokey and Kristine, glad you like them. :D Awesome icons everyone, you'll all done a great job!! :D

Here's my Nick one from the challenge, totally snaggable, all I ask is that you credit. :D

Since my competitors posted right before me - here's mine from the 1v1 challenge. :lol:


Had to go look for them! I'd forgotten what I named them and where in my photobucket they were. :alienblush:

:eek: DUH! Steffi - your icon for the 1v1 is soo beautiful!! So much more better than mine!

I love the other two icons too! I love the delicious one it's beautiful, love the colouring!!!! :) <3333

Great job you are very talented *claps*
^^ *blushes* Thank you so much. You are way too good for my ego, but please don't stop :lol: Your 1v1 icon was great! And you're the one that's talented! :)
^^^Wooo again amazing job Steffi! You're so creative I love the colouring and cropping!! :)

I love your current icon too it's gorgerous!! Love the light texture!!

I might have some icons up later!!
^^ Thanks again :D
I just noticed that I went from blue/redish over green to yellowish :lol: That wasn't even intended.
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