CSI Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests.

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Love those, Lizzy.

Ooh, pretty icons everyone!! :D

Does anyone happen to have any icons of Cath/Sara, possibly made from a manip? I'm looking for one to use on my livejournal...
Catherinesmyidol said:
Ooh, pretty icons everyone!! :D

Does anyone happen to have any icons of Cath/Sara, possibly made from a manip? I'm looking for one to use on my livejournal...

Jenna, in the last icon thread [/b]MiaCharlize[/b] made a bunch of awesome CS icons :)
Thanks for advertising me, Quoth.
And, Catherinesmyidol if you don't feel like browsing the whole icon thread feel free to visit my photobucket (click my banner) There's all my CS icons and manips.
Just made one of my manips into an icon:

Btw. The first icons I made might be too big as they're .bmp
so you might have to save them as .jpg (or PM me and I'll do that) That is, if you even want them... ;)
Oh cool! That's a really awesome icon! It's perfect and that's one of my favorite manips. :D Very nice job.

Now I'll go look through the last icon thread; What's better than looking at icons when you can't sleep? :)
I thought I'd post some of mine...
Tell me what you think, I'll post the others (as I don't have a LJ where I put them all)

Tears of Ashes [Cath]
Kiss Me? [Parental]
You Can't let Me Down [Grissom] On Your Own [Sofia]
There's a Need [Nick]
Last Time [Sara]

As for the credits, I'm sorry but I got a cd-rom with all the files from a friend of mine, just a couple of days ago...So I don't know exactly who's to cradit for taxtures and brushes...
Only thing I know, they're from this LiveJournal Community, so the credit goes to all the amazing artists there!
LioveJournal: 100x100 brushes
Hey guys!
awsome icons!

So I want, well I don`t want, I need a pic for my msn display!!!
I f someone have one with all the team or the words CSI on it it will be great!
Love you!!!
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