CSI Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

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This is the kind of icon I do when I learn that Billy has shaved his beard -let's pray he'll grow a new one in time for next season, or else ... I'll go INSANE! :lol: :rolleyes:
01-28 Various CSI:NY
29-36 Various CSI
37-40 Various CSI:Miami

Comment. Credit. No hotlinking. Give me free lap dances, pls.


this way!
thank you quoth_the_raven that was fast :D I like it, he looks so good in that pic... sigh :D

and again thank you :D it looks good :D
Hey I was wondering if I could email anyone four pics and they could make them change, like on NickSaraFan2's sig except with an avatar. It isn't CSI (it is Harry Potter) but I already have the pics with the words on them, I just need them changing. If anyone can do this can you please PM me with your email so I can send them to you?
those are AMAZEE... how are you so good, and ii love your wallpapers too!! got any "tricks" to being gooooood
ROFLMAO, it does make me laugh!!! :D Thank you for the nice comments, I don't have any tricks, and I'm not that good. Thank you anyway :)
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