CSI Icon Challenge - Detectives - Winners!

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Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Big Meanies - Results!

Whoa.. That's a whole lot of Ecklies! ;) Congrats to all the winners! Fantastic icons!!!
Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Big Meanies - Voting Open!

Thank you very much for the recognition award! :D Congrats to all the winners!

Does this make Ecklie the biggest meanie of all?
Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Big Meanies - Voting Open!

haha... I think so... we should make a winner banner for him "1st place in Biggest Meanie Challenge"
[/dorkiness] :p
Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Big Meanies - Results!

CSI Icon Challenge- Female CSIs
This is pretty self explainable. This challenge is all about the female CSI's from all three shows. Please just use the CSI's and not labtechs, ME's, cops, etc. So that means Calleigh, Natalia, Stella, Lindsay, Catherine.


1. You may enter up to 3 icons.
2. There are THREE categories to this challenge - Beginner, Advanced, Intermediate. (If entering in Intermediate level, please include a second level -either Beginner and Advanced- incase there isn't enough entries for 3 levels) Please refer to the helpful guidelines if you need help determining what category to enter. Please be fair to others. If you keep winning in beginners, move up to advanced; let someone else win beginners and see if you place in advanced. That's how you get better, by challenging yourself.
3. Please size all icons to 100x100 pixels. I know that the new rule allows your icons to be 140x140 but for this challenge, I'd like it to stay at 100x100. If anyone has any questions or has a problem with it please PM me.
4. Please PM your entry to me, ILuvJonathanTogo, by 10pm Pacific Time Wednesday July 23; (I will extend if needed, the more entries the merrier! I know this gives you less time than usual but it's really the only deadline that works for me. If it is really an inconvience, I can change it.)
5. No vulgar words or phrases allowed.
6. Dont post your icons on here, PM them to me. If they are seen on here or anywhere else you will be disqualified.
7. You can make three icons of the same person, or mix it up a bit. It doesnt matter.

Most importantly, have fun and be creative!

Happy icon making! :thumbsup:

To those of you who asked for winner banners for the last challenge, Im really sorry for the delay. My program has been acting up. You'll have them very soon :)
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Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Big Meanies - Results!

I'm definately in.... Not sure whether I'll get to the dateline or not (considering i have another 2 icons and at least another 1 wallpaper to make)... I just hope my muse will be back again.. :) You can expect 2-3 icons from me.
Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Female CSI's - Now Open!

I'm in! Sounds like a wonderful theme! :)

Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with! :D
Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Female CSI's - Now Open!

Just to clearify for everyone; This challenge is just for the current female CSI's. Please dont use Sara or Aiden or whoever else there might be. Thank you :)
Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Female CSI's - Now Open!

I've just sent mine! Looking forward to seeing all the icons!
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