CSI: Holland #4 Holland = frietje speciaal

May I start it, too? I'm not Tulip, I know, there's just one Tulip. ;)

But seriously, I don't know what to start. ER's on soon, that's all I can think of for now. :lol:
It's sooooooooo cold. :lol: I can't wait for the summer to come again and I bet I'll be complaining then that it is to hot.
Een jongetje van acht jaar is door een man om het leven gebracht. Het drama vond gistermorgen plaats in een leeg klaslokaal van de Klim-Op-school. De jongen, Jesse Dingemans, was net klaar met knutselen. De rest van de klas was daar nog in de aula mee bezig. De kinderen hebben dus niets gezien.
It sickens me, really. I don't understand why anyone would kill/hurt a child. Let them take on someone who's bigger!
when i hurted i couldnt speak for minutes i was just schocked its terribel what happend im so living with the parents it must be hard for everyone over there.
no where are they save then, not always at home to, if you look at all the times one of the parents killed the hole family. So i see so much pain and killing in the world where are the childeren save?
I've heard about it. It's just sick.

The little boy (named Jesse) went to the classroom to get a new excercise to do, and a 22-year-old man with a long black jacket waited for him. He stabbed him in his neck several times.

This is what I read in the paper yesterday. I was stunned by this news. This isn't normal anymore.