poison girl
Of course:
C1: -o --- th--- -e -a- -e a--e to -- the hot -o-s th-o--h the ----e--e-ts?
C2: -o. -e--e-e -t o- -ot -ost hot -o- -o-pa--es a-e -e-- p-op--eta-- o-e- the-- -e--pes.
C1: Ho- a-o-t th-o--h ------e -a--s?
C2: Oh -eah, -'-- --- -t th-o--h the- hot -o- app--a--es -ata-ase.
It's easier now, lots of T in that quote.
C1: -o --- th--- -e -a- -e a--e to -- the hot -o-s th-o--h the ----e--e-ts?
C2: -o. -e--e-e -t o- -ot -ost hot -o- -o-pa--es a-e -e-- p-op--eta-- o-e- the-- -e--pes.
C1: Ho- a-o-t th-o--h ------e -a--s?
C2: Oh -eah, -'-- --- -t th-o--h the- hot -o- app--a--es -ata-ase.
It's easier now, lots of T in that quote.