CSI: Hangman #6

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Chracter 1: -ell, ---- -s l--e a -a-p--e. -e nee-s -- -e -n---e- -n.
Character 2: -- ---s --es -- -----, -a-----'s ---n- -- -a-e -- ---e -a-- an- -es----.
Character 3: -ell, --- --- -ea--es, ----n-s. --ee ---p -- LA? -'- ---n. S- -e --- ----ee --l-e-s, ----- -e----ne, -a---es, -a-p-n- --el... --- pla-es.
Chracter 1: Well, ---- -s l--e a -a-p--e. -e nee-s -- -e -n---e- -n.
Character 2: -- ---s --es -- -----, Wa-----'s ---n- -- -a-e -- ---e -a-- an- -es----.
Character 3: Well, --- --- -ea--es, ----n-s. --ee ---p -- LA? -'- --wn. S- we --- ----ee --l-e-s, ----- -e----ne, -a---es, -a-p-n- --el... --- pla-es.

Chracter 1: Well, --c- -s l--e a -a-p--e. -e nee-s -- -e -n---e- -n.
Character 2: -- ---s --es -- c----, Wa---c-'s ---n- -- -a-e -- c--e -a-- an- -es----.
Character 3: Well, --- --- -ea--es, ----n-s. --ee ---p -- LA? -'- --wn. S- we --- ----ee --l-e-s, c---- -e--c-ne, -a-c-es, ca-p-n- --el... --- pla-es.
Brass:Well, Rick is like a Vampire, he needs to be invited in.
Annie:If this goes to court, Warrick's going to have to come back and testify.
Warrick: Well, you got beaches, bikinis. Free trip to LA? I'm down. So we got coffee filters, cough medicine, matches, camping fuel... hot plates.

Las Vegas. 5x20 Hollywood Brass.

Not my favourite episode but I dig that quote. Yarr!
Yay. No offense to any Brass fans lurking around here...... *scuttles off*

Character 1:---- -- --- ----- ------ ------- --------,---------. --- ------ ---- --- ----- ----. ------ -------. ------ -------.
Character 2: -- ---- -- -- ---- -------. --‘- ---- ------- --- --- ----- ----- -- -------.

Thank you and goodnight. Sorry if it takes a while for me to reply...
Hmm, all requests have been granted and here is the result of said requests being.... *ahem*... um, granted.. *whistles*

Character 1:T--- -- --- ----- --c--t ----a-- t-------,---t---a-. T-- ------ t-at t-- t---- -a-t. --c--t ----a--. --c--t ----a--.
Character 2: -- -a-- t- -- t--- -------. -t‘- ---- --t---- a-- --- ----- ----- -- ---t---.

Letters guessed: C;T;A

Tada, Kate.
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