CSI: Hangman #6

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Ch1: He-, is that -ro- the -eli?
Ch2: E-- sala- sa---ich. -o- -a-t hal-?
Ch1: -o. Ca- I ha-e -o-r pic-le?
Grissom: Hey is that from the Deli
Sara: Egg salad sandwich, you want half?
Grissom: No. Can I have your pickle?

I know the episode but I'll let the next person guess it since I'll be out of town for the weekend and I don't want to kill the game
*sighs* it's from Overload, season 2. ;)

New quote to continue the game:

Ch1: --, ---- -- ---- - ------ ----- ----?
Ch2: --- ---- --------- -- --- -----?
CH1: ----- - -------- ------.
Certainly :)

Ch1: --, t--- -- --at a ---at- ----- ----?
Ch2: --- ---- -----t--- a- --- -at--?
CH1: -a--- a -------- -a---t.
Yep :)

Ch1: --, t--- -- --at a ---ate l---- l--e?
Ch2: --- -e-e e--e-t--- a- e-e -at--?
CH1: -a--e a ----l-e- -a---t.
Ch1: So, t--s -s --at a --rate loo-s l--e?
Ch2: -o- -ere e--e-t--- a- e-e -at--?
CH1: -a--e a s-o-l-er -arrot.
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