CSI: Hangman #6

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There you go!

Char 1:-a- --a-e --r a- as-------.
Char 2:Es----a--- --e ---'s --- -arr---- a- ---a-er.

Letters Guessed: A,E,R,S
There isn't a limit on letter guesses is there?

As no one has answered this yet, I thought I would... ;)

There isn't a limit on actual letter guesses, just keep going until someone gets the quote, but there are some rules of the game that people might not know:

Each player can ask for only two letters per game. Also, no more than 3 letters should be requested before each update (to make it easier for the person updating the quote and so all the letters aren't completed at once). Also, all the CSI shows should be represented here, so it is good practice to try and make the next quote from a different show. :)

I hope that helps, and as there has already been three requests since the last update, I won't ask for a letter. :)
Cool, thanks for clearing that up Elsie.

Char 1:-a- --a-e --r an as----ti-.
Char 2:Es---ia--- -ne ---'s n-t -arr-i-- an in-a-er.

Letters Guessed: A,E,R,S,T,N,I
Thanks, Elsie, but I never knew the one about only two guesses per player...... Wow. I shall have to try to stick to those rules. :p

I would like to kindly request an "O". :p

Sorry, Yurek, no 'V's. And I missed an 'A' before so I added that in as well. Oops!

Char 1:-a- --a-e -or an as--mati-.
Char 2:Es---ia--- one --o's not -arr-i-- an in-a-er.

Letters Guessed: A,E,R,S,T,N,I,O,V,M
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