CSI: Hangman #6

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Flack: Got it. Two crappers, no connection.
Aiden: Welcome to my world. I‘ve got a dead guy with traces of disinfectants, deodorizers and fecal matter in a head wound, but no murder weapon and no suspects.

Oh my lord Im so close, Ive got like the whole quote bar two words!!! :mad:
Ok, can I have an 'G' please?


ETA: Oh its ok, someone got it before me, lol :lol:
Hey sorry! Someone else go I don't want to! I don't get on here enough to update it, I'm very busy lately! Sorry! Why doesn't... CSIVegasMiamiNY go. Or Lauw
Is it Ok for me to stick a quote up here? Its just the threads been dead foir aggges!

Ch1: ----- -- ---, ---- ---- ---- ---- ------ -----, -- ---- ---'-- ---- -----.

Just a short one, guess away! :D

Ypur wishes are my command! :lol:

Ch1: ----- -- -ll, le-- ---- ---- ---- ---ee- -----, -e ---- ---'-e ---- ---e-.

Letters Guessed: E, L

Dammit, sorry Lauw! :( I'll fix that!

Ch1: -i--- o- all, le-- ---- --o- --i- ---ee- --i--, -e --o- -o-'-e --o- A--e-.

Letters Guessed: E, L, A, I, O

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