CSI: Hangman #6

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Char 1: --- are g-nna -- m-re t-an --st stare at it
Char 2: I am -aiti-- --r it t- ta-- t- me
Char 1: T-en --- mig-t -a-e t- --- it a -rin- -irst.
Char 1: -o- are gonna -o more t-an --st stare at it
Char 2: I am -aiti-- -or it to ta-- to me
Char 1: T-en -o- mig-t -a-e to --- it a -rin- -irst.

:lol: Okay, somebody had better guess before all the letters get filled in!
Stella: You are gonna do more than just stare at it
Danny: I am waiting for it to talk to me
Stella: Then you might have to buy it a drink first.

Dont' remember which eppy tho :p
...and this is where I admit that I don't remember the episode either. But yes, you are correct, Ducky. Your turn!
Hi Ducky ? *gentle nudge*

Can we help you out with a quote or would you like someone to continue for you? :)
:eek: Just hang on... I'm getting there :p
Yeah, I forgot since been busy but I promise.Tonite before Ihead to bed you'll have new quote. ;)

ETA: Here's the quote. Meh, it's lame and easy and I wanted to do megaallthreeshowsquote but didn't have time.

Character1: --- ---- - -----.
Character2: ---, ---- ---- --- -----.
Character1: -- --- --- -- --- ------- -- --- ---- ---- --- --?
Character2: -------- - ----.
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