CSI: Hangman #6

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Ch1: Y-- k---, -- there are ---e rats --r e-ery -ers-- l----g -- Ma-hatta-, there‘s g-tta -e at least ---e keys -er head. A-artme-t d--r, -ar d--r ...
Ch2: L--k at the gym. Yeah. -ast --r-ard.
lol, ok, can I pweety please have a w, just because Im akward, lol :lol:
Also, I think I have officaially moved into this sub-board! I don't have time for more than a flying visit to the other's!

Come on you guys, almost there ;)

Ch1: Yo- know, -- there are n-ne rats -or e-ery -erson l---ng -n Manhattan, there‘s gotta -e at least ---e keys -er head. A-artment door, -ar door ...
Ch2: Lo-k at the gym. Yeah. -ast -o-rward.
I don't know the characters, but I'll guess:

Danny: You know, if there are nine rats for every person living in Manhattan, there‘s gotta be at least nine keys per head. Apartment door, car door ...

Flack: Lock at the gym. Yeah. Fast forward.
Oh, pick me! Pick me! :lol:

Char 1: ---- -- - ------ --- ---- ---- - --- --- ---. -'- ----- ---- ------
Char 2: ---- --- -- ----- - -------.

a bit short, but oh well.
You can have seven of them :)

Char 1: ---- -- - l---l- --- ---- ---- - --- --- ---. -'- ----- --ll ------
Char 2: --ll --- -- ----- - -----l-.
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