CSI: Hangman #5

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C1: - -h--- -e're g---g -- -ee- a --gger ---- -ag.
C2: -f a----e -a- f--- --e, --'s ---, Ale--.
C1: --- g-- -ha- r-gh-. All r-gh-, fellas. --- hear- the -a-. -ag h--. -- sh-ak ---.
C1: I -hi-- -e're g-i-g -- -ee- a -igger ---- -ag.
C2: If a----e -a- fi-- --e, i-'s ---, Ale--.
C1: --- g-- -ha- righ-. All righ-, fellas. --- hear- the -a-. -ag hi-. -- sha-k ---.
t please

btw: I think I know the quote Dragonfly. Isn't it the one where Horatio talks to Alexx?? (about the bag for the bodies) ;) :D
C1: I thi-- -e're g-i-g t- -ee- a -igger ---- -ag.
C2: If a----e -a- fi-- --e, it's ---, Ale--.
C1: --- g-t that right. All right, fellas. --- hear- the -a-. -ag hi-. -- sha-k ---.
Ok, I definitely know this quote now, it's from "Wet Foot/Dry Foot"

Alexx: "I think we're going to need a bigger body bag."
Horatio: "If anybody can find one, it's you, Alexx."
Alexx: "You got that right. All right, fellas. You heard the man. Bag him. My shark now."
yay :D
the next one will be short and of course from CSI: Miami

C1: -- --‘-- --- - ------ ------ --- - -------. ---- ---- --- ---?
C2: - ---- - ------ ------ -- - --------- ----.
C1: -- --‘-- --- - --r--- ------ --- - -------. ---- ---- --- ---?
C2: - ---- - --r--- ------ -- - -----r--- --r-.

Correct letters: R
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