CSI: Hangman #4

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Sorry it took me so long! Stupid having to work at 6am on saturday...

Char 1: We'-- g- s--w, --ay? And we'-- --st -egin at t-e -eginning, --ay?
Char 2: T-ey -a-e t- -y ---se. T-ey ----dn't -ind w-at t-ey were ---ing
--r. I ---ed -y -a-i-y

That's a lot of letters at once... getting close!
Oh i think i know it, is it from Gum Drops?

Nick: We'll go slow, okay? And we'll just begin at the beginning, okay?
Cassie? (i think): They came to my house. They couldn't find what they were looking for. I loved my family.
That's right, CSIangel17!
Gum Drops is my all time favorite original CSI episode.
Your turn!
Thanks DragonflyDreamer :)

Ok next one, is from CSI:LV again :)

Char 1 : ---- ----- ---- ----- ------ ------ ------.
Char 2 : - ---- ------- -- -- ------- --.
Char 1 : -- --- ---- -- ----- ------, ---------. --- ----- -- ------- ----- --- ---- ---- ------.


Char 1 : ---- ----e ---e ----- -e---e ------ -e----.
Char 2 : - -a-e --t---- t- -e a--a-e- --.
Char 1 : -e a-- ---e -- --a-- ----e-, -at-e---e. --- --tta -e -a-e--- --e-e --- ta-e ---- ----e-.

Letters guessed : E,T,A
Here you go :)


Char 1 : ---- wh--e ---e ----- -e---e ------ -e----.
Char 2 : - ha-e --th--g t- -e asha-e- --.
Char 1 : we a-- ---e -- g-ass h---es, -athe---e. --- g-tta -e -a-e--- whe-e --- ta-e ---- sh-we-.

Letters guessed : E,T,A, W, H, S, G
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