CSI: Hangman #4

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C1 : I -on‘t mean to -r-, --t --o -ant to talk a-o-t -hat ha--ene- -ith --o an- E-klie ?
C2 : not reall-
C1 : I -on‘t kno- i- --o kno- thi- a-o-t me, --t i‘m a -oo- li-tener
C2 : I -le- -- at E-klie. It -a- -er- -n-ro-e--i--al. An- -er- -ati---i--, an- no- i‘m mo-in- on. Thank- -or a-kin-.

Letters guessed : E, I, A, L, T, M, O, K, R, N, H

C1: --- --- ---- ---- -- ---- -- ----- ---- --- ---?
C2: - ---- --- ------- -'- ----.
C1: --- ---'- ---- -- -- - ----------?
C2: ----, -- - --- - ---------, - ---- -- -- -- -- ----- --- ------- ---'-- ----------- ---- ----.

C1: --- --- ---- ---- -- ---- -- a---- ---- --- ---?
C2: - ---- --- ------- -'- -a--.
C1: --- ---'- -a-- -- -- a ----------?
C2: ----, -- - --- a ---------, - -a-- -- -- -- -- -----, --- ---a--- ---'-- -------a--- ---- --a-.
Thanks Amy :)

Sure you can ask twice for a letter Roos :)


C1: --- --- ---e -ere -- -ell -e a---- ---r -e- ---?
C2: - --l- --e s-er--- -'- -ass.
C1: --- ---'- -a-- -- -e a s--e-----r?
C2: -ell, -- - -e- a -r-------, - -a-- -- -- -e -- -er--, --- ---a-se ---'re --l----all- ---e -ea-.

Guessed: A E L S R
Well, thanks anyway :p


C1: --- --- ---e -ere t- tell -e a---t ---r -e- ---?
C2: - t-l- --e s-er--- -'- -ass.
C1: --- ---'t -a-t t- -e a s--e-----r?
C2: -ell, -- - -e- a -r---t---, - -a-t -t t- -e -- -er-t, --t ---a-se ---'re --l-t--all- t--e -ea-.

Guessed: A E L S R T
Don't ask me how I got this so quickly... (OK fine, I recently saw the season 1 DVD with a friend ;))

From The Strip Strangler

Grissom: Did you come here to tell me about your new job?
Catherine: I told the Sheriff I'd pass.
Grissom: You don't want to be a supervisor?
Catherine: Well, if I get a promotion, I want it to be on merit, not because you're politically tone deaf.
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