CSI:Hangman #12

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CSI:LV....Good Luck.

C1: -- --the- -a-e -a-ta-- --- ----, - ---t
--al---e- --- -- -he-l- -he- the -he---- --lle-
-- -a-e-- a-- --l--tee-e- -e t- ---. - th--- --
--- hate- that ---e the- - ---.

C2: --- ---'t ---- the la-, --ll ---?"

C1: The-e a-e ---e th---- - --ll ----.

Letters guessed: L,A,E,H,B,T
CSI:LV....Good Luck.

C1: -- --ther -a-e -a-tai- --- ----, I --st
--ali-ie- --r -- sheil- -he- the Sheri-- --lle-
-- -a-ers a-- --l--teere- -e t- -SI. I thi-- --
--- hate- that --re the- I -i-.

C2: --- ---'t -iss the la-, -ill ---?"

C1: There are s--e thi--s I -ill -iss.

Letters guessed: L,A,E,H,B,T,R,I,S
CSI:LV....Good Luck.

C1: -y -other -a-e -a-tain. Yo- -no-, I --st
--ali-ie- -or -y sheil- -hen the Sheri-- --lle-
-y -a-ers an- -ol-nteere- -e to -SI. I thin- -y
-o- hate- that -ore then I -i-.

C2: Yo- -on't -iss the la-, -ill yo-?"

C1: There are so-e thin-s I -ill -iss.

Letters guessed: L,A,E,H,B,T,R,I,S,Y,O,N
Sofia: My mother made captian. You know.
I just qualified for my shield when the sheriff
pulled my papers and volunteered me to CSI.
I think my mom hated that more than I did.
Grissom: You won't miss the lab, will you?
Sofia: There are some things I'll miss.

eeehhhhmmmm - Bodies in Motion????
CSI Miami - Good Luck

CSI1: ----, -----'- --- ---- -- ----.
CSI2: ----, --- ---- ---- --- ---- ----- ---,
-- --- ---'- ----- --- ------- -- --- ----- -----.
CSI1: --- ----- --- ----- ----- -- --- -------.

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