CSI:Hangman #12

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CSI:NY...Good Luck:)

C1: I d--'- -- -- --- ---i--, I ------ li-- -------.

C2: ---- ----- ----- -i-- --- --- ---'-- ---- d-i--
-----d ----. ----l--- ----l-- ----l--, --------
i-------i--. --- -- ----i-- --- --d ---- -------
i---------d - ---- i-------- --i-d d---.

Letter's guessed: L,I,D
CSI:NY...Good Luck:)

C1: I d-n't -- t- t-- ---i--, I ------ li-- t--at--.

C2: t-at -a--- --n-- -it- t-- a-t ---'-- ---n d-in-
a---nd t--n. -t-al-n- ----l-- ----l--, -----na-
in----ati--. N-t t- --nti-n --- and ---- -a-tn--
i-t-----t-d a ---- i----tant t-i-d dat-.

Letter's guessed: L,I,D,A,N,T
CSI:NY...Good Luck:)

C1: I don't -o to the -o-ie-, I --e-e- li-v theat-e.

C2: That -a-e- -en-e -ith the a-t -o-'-e -een doin-
a-o-nd to-n. -tealin- -e--le- -e-el--, -e--ona-
in-o--ation. Not to -ention -o- and -o-- -a-tne-
inte----ted a -e-- i--o-tant thi-d date.

Letter's guessed: L,I,D,A,N,T,O,H,E
Dunno: I don't go to the movies, I prefer live theater.
Flack: That makes sense with the act you've been doing around town.
Stealing peoples jewelry personal information.
Not to mention you and your partner interrupted a very important third date.

You only die once
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