dopebabygirl CSI Level Two Aug 24, 2008 #692 CSI MIAMI - Good Luck CSI 1: -an -o- i-agine raising a -a-i-- -it-o-t an- -e--? I -ean, -o- -no-, gi-en t-e -o-rs -e -or-. CSI2: -ea-, I -o---, -e-inite--. CSI1: Rea---? CSI2: -ea-. --- -o- -on't t-in- I'- -e a goo- -a-? CSI1: No, I t-in- -o-'- -e a great -a-. I --st ne-er -ear- -o- -ention -a-ing --i--ren -e-ore. LETTERS GUESSED: E, T, R, I, S, G, A, O, N,
CSI MIAMI - Good Luck CSI 1: -an -o- i-agine raising a -a-i-- -it-o-t an- -e--? I -ean, -o- -no-, gi-en t-e -o-rs -e -or-. CSI2: -ea-, I -o---, -e-inite--. CSI1: Rea---? CSI2: -ea-. --- -o- -on't t-in- I'- -e a goo- -a-? CSI1: No, I t-in- -o-'- -e a great -a-. I --st ne-er -ear- -o- -ention -a-ing --i--ren -e-ore. LETTERS GUESSED: E, T, R, I, S, G, A, O, N,
dopebabygirl CSI Level Two Aug 27, 2008 #697 CSI MIAMI - Good Luck CSI 1: Can -o- imagine raising a -ami-- -it-o-t an- -e--? I mean, -o- -no-, gi-en t-e -o-rs -e -or-. CSI2: -ea-, I co--l, de-inite--. CSI1: Rea---? CSI2: -ea-. --- -o- don't t-in- I'd -e a good dad? CSI1: No, I t-in- -o-'d -e a great dad. I --st ne-er -eard -o- mention -a-ing c-i-dren -e-ore. LETTERS GUESSED: E, T, R, I, S, G, A, O, N, M, C, D
CSI MIAMI - Good Luck CSI 1: Can -o- imagine raising a -ami-- -it-o-t an- -e--? I mean, -o- -no-, gi-en t-e -o-rs -e -or-. CSI2: -ea-, I co--l, de-inite--. CSI1: Rea---? CSI2: -ea-. --- -o- don't t-in- I'd -e a good dad? CSI1: No, I t-in- -o-'d -e a great dad. I --st ne-er -eard -o- mention -a-ing c-i-dren -e-ore. LETTERS GUESSED: E, T, R, I, S, G, A, O, N, M, C, D
MacsLovlyAngl Head of the Graveyard Shift Aug 27, 2008 #698 Can you imagine raising a family without any help? I mean, you know, given the hours we work. Yeah, I could, definitely. Really? Yeah. Why, you don't think I'd be a good dad? No, I think you'd be a great dad. I just never heard you mention having children before. Cal/Eric....."My Nanny"
Can you imagine raising a family without any help? I mean, you know, given the hours we work. Yeah, I could, definitely. Really? Yeah. Why, you don't think I'd be a good dad? No, I think you'd be a great dad. I just never heard you mention having children before. Cal/Eric....."My Nanny"
MacsLovlyAngl Head of the Graveyard Shift Aug 28, 2008 #700 Thanks CSI:NY....Good Luck C1: -- ---- --- ----- --- --- --- ---- -- -------. - ----- -- ---- -- ------------. - --- ---------- ----- --- ---. -- --- ---- ---- - ----. -- ---- --- --- ----- --- ---- -------. --- ---- ---- ------ ---- ----. ---- ---- -- ---- -- ----. Letter's guessed:
Thanks CSI:NY....Good Luck C1: -- ---- --- ----- --- --- --- ---- -- -------. - ----- -- ---- -- ------------. - --- ---------- ----- --- ---. -- --- ---- ---- - ----. -- ---- --- --- ----- --- ---- -------. --- ---- ---- ------ ---- ----. ---- ---- -- ---- -- ----. Letter's guessed:
MacsLovlyAngl Head of the Graveyard Shift Aug 28, 2008 #704 CSI:NY....Good Luck C1: -- ---t t-- -o--- o-t a-- -ot ---t to -ot----. - --o-- to a-ot o- -----t------. - -ot -----t---- ----- t-- ---. -- -a- --ot --o- a t---. -- ---- o-- --- ----- a-- --ot -------. O-- -a-- -a-- a----- -a-- -o--. T--- --t- -- ---- o- --t-. Letter's guessed: A,O,T
CSI:NY....Good Luck C1: -- ---t t-- -o--- o-t a-- -ot ---t to -ot----. - --o-- to a-ot o- -----t------. - -ot -----t---- ----- t-- ---. -- -a- --ot --o- a t---. -- ---- o-- --- ----- a-- --ot -------. O-- -a-- -a-- a----- -a-- -o--. T--- --t- -- ---- o- --t-. Letter's guessed: A,O,T