dopebabygirl CSI Level Two Aug 2, 2008 #529 CSI 1: L----- r-bber. -er-a- e----eer--- at -ts ---est. CSI 2: -'- --t s-re - ----rsta--.. CSI 1: well, all-w -e t- -e---strate. ---trary t- what y-- ---ht ha-e hear-, s--e--e -e----tely --es -atter. s---ly, a--ly l--e s-. All-w a -ew ---e-ts --r -a----- -ry--- t--e a--... B---! --st--t ------ CSI 2: Are y-- ser---s? A s-ray -- ------? Letters guessed: B, T, W H, A, R, S, E,L, Y
CSI 1: L----- r-bber. -er-a- e----eer--- at -ts ---est. CSI 2: -'- --t s-re - ----rsta--.. CSI 1: well, all-w -e t- -e---strate. ---trary t- what y-- ---ht ha-e hear-, s--e--e -e----tely --es -atter. s---ly, a--ly l--e s-. All-w a -ew ---e-ts --r -a----- -ry--- t--e a--... B---! --st--t ------ CSI 2: Are y-- ser---s? A s-ray -- ------? Letters guessed: B, T, W H, A, R, S, E,L, Y
MacsLovlyAngl Head of the Graveyard Shift Aug 2, 2008 #530 Liquid rubber. German engineering at its finest. I'm not sure I understand. Well, allow me to demonstrate. Contrarily to what you might have heard, science definitely does matter. Simply, apply like so. Allow a few moments for maximum drying time and... boom! Instant condom. Are you serious? A spray-on condom? Lindsey/Danny/Sheldon......"Can you hear me now"
Liquid rubber. German engineering at its finest. I'm not sure I understand. Well, allow me to demonstrate. Contrarily to what you might have heard, science definitely does matter. Simply, apply like so. Allow a few moments for maximum drying time and... boom! Instant condom. Are you serious? A spray-on condom? Lindsey/Danny/Sheldon......"Can you hear me now"
MacsLovlyAngl Head of the Graveyard Shift Aug 3, 2008 #532 Thanks CSI:LV C1: --- ---- ---------- ---- --- ----? C2: ---, --- -'- ------ -- --- ---- --------- -- - ------ -- --- ------, --- ----- --- ----. C1: --- ---- ---------- ---- ----- ----- ------? C2: ----, --- -- --- ------- ----------- ---, -----'- -- --------- -- --- -----. Letter's Guessed:
Thanks CSI:LV C1: --- ---- ---------- ---- --- ----? C2: ---, --- -'- ------ -- --- ---- --------- -- - ------ -- --- ------, --- ----- --- ----. C1: --- ---- ---------- ---- ----- ----- ------? C2: ----, --- -- --- ------- ----------- ---, -----'- -- --------- -- --- -----. Letter's Guessed:
MacsLovlyAngl Head of the Graveyard Shift Aug 3, 2008 #536 CSI:LV C1: A-e t-e- ------ta-t --t- t-e -a--? C2: -e-, --t -'- e--e-t t- -ee -a-- --a-t--e- a- a -e---- -- t--e ------t, a-- t-e-e a-e ---e. C1: A-e t-e- ------ta-t --t- ----t ----e t-a--a? C2: ---e, --t -- t-e ----a-- ------e--e- -e-, t-e-e'- -e --a-t-re- t- t-e -----. Letter's Guessed: E,T,A
CSI:LV C1: A-e t-e- ------ta-t --t- t-e -a--? C2: -e-, --t -'- e--e-t t- -ee -a-- --a-t--e- a- a -e---- -- t--e ------t, a-- t-e-e a-e ---e. C1: A-e t-e- ------ta-t --t- ----t ----e t-a--a? C2: ---e, --t -- t-e ----a-- ------e--e- -e-, t-e-e'- -e --a-t-re- t- t-e -----. Letter's Guessed: E,T,A
MacsLovlyAngl Head of the Graveyard Shift Aug 3, 2008 #540 CSI:LV C1: Are t-ey --n---tant --t- t-e -a--? C2: Ye-, --t -'- e--e-t t- -ee -an- -ra-t-re- a- a re---t -- t-e ------t, an- t-ere are n-ne. C1: Are t-ey --n---tant --t- ---nt --r-e tra--a? C2: --re, --t -- t-e ----an- ---n--e-ne- -er, t-ere'- -e -ra-t-re- t- t-e -----. Letter's Guessed: E,T,A,Y,R,N
CSI:LV C1: Are t-ey --n---tant --t- t-e -a--? C2: Ye-, --t -'- e--e-t t- -ee -an- -ra-t-re- a- a re---t -- t-e ------t, an- t-ere are n-ne. C1: Are t-ey --n---tant --t- ---nt --r-e tra--a? C2: --re, --t -- t-e ----an- ---n--e-ne- -er, t-ere'- -e -ra-t-re- t- t-e -----. Letter's Guessed: E,T,A,Y,R,N